Gnarkill's picture
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What do you guys think about this about this. both cycles cutting and bulking

BigWA67's picture

+1 for posting I though it was a very informative article thanks Gnar

GrowMore's picture

My blood pressure is spiking just thinking about running EQ and tren togther!

Have you ran both separately to see what the sides are like individually?

Double trouble.

Owes a Review × 1
XmadXscientist's picture

Sent you a FR, was wondering if I might be able to tap into your aldosterone knowledge?

XmadXscientist's picture

Thanks for the follow up brother.


Excellent post brother............. took me back in time, thats like reading good meaty posts that we used to do daily around here back when we had a real serious crowd at Eroids.

Thanks for reminisce bro...... i enjoyed reading that and could feel the passion as you put finger to keyboard Smile

Muffins's picture

I'm impressed +1

MedDx's picture

+2 Smile spot on info

MedDx's picture

We used to post up some really cool medium level cycles.

I'll post a medium level cycle in the steroid cycle section...I need to do another one soon, but I have to have mast p, or e, in it. Smile

Makwa's picture

I love how they add the Sarms and N2crap onto those cycles...classic! lol
I'll say it again bulking and cutting are all about diet. You could run either of the cycles for a bulk or cut and get the same results. One or the other isn't better suited for cutting or bulking.

tonytulo's picture

I'm sick of repeating it mak I really am. They don't care about diet. It's all drugs don't you know? I know natural tested guys that would crush our steroid junkies.

XmadXscientist's picture

It's really terrible there's so many people running gear at my gym with shit physiques and making zero progress. A lot of them picked me out real quick on my first cycle that I just finished and would ask me what I'm running that caused me to gain so much. When I told them 250-300 test and 500 eq every single person told me bullshit and didn't believe me. I would ask them what their diets like and if they know their calorie needs/macros and not a single one had it nailed down. I told everybody that knowing your calorie needs and when to scale them up is one of the most important things and to get 7 hours of quality sleep. No one listens and my one buddy said he wasn't taking enough so he's going to almost double it... smh. There's a lot of teenagers running gear these days too and it's just sad, especially if they're getting it from one one who's been at it awhile. I've noticed very few of the people who sign up here really care to learn about the important stuff and I know it annoys you guys that have been here awhile, but I really learned more from this site in 6 months about training, eating and how to prioritize than I have in the 13 years I've been training from all other sources combined.


im planning on getting back in sharp shape again ..... i have give it some thought what to run and you know what i have ended up settling for?.......... good ole Sustanon/Nandrolone (durabolin)..... and thats it! i dont need a kicker i dont need any fancy shit, i can create what the fuck i choose from those 2 old school common compounds.

Brain is in positive mode, which is important to create ANYTHING!!!....... Kitchen and work ethic will the common denominator to results as always.

No shortcuts, no fucking around, 24/7 positive nitrogen balance and away we fucking go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

XmadXscientist's picture

Would you be willing to share your strategy for keeping positive nitrogen balance?

Makwa's picture

Eat a meal with good some protein every few hours and a slug of casein or some other slow digesting protein before bed.


Thanks bro................ saved me typing Smile

XmadXscientist's picture

Thanks, I've been reading a lot of your threads and it's been such a goldmine for me.

tonytulo's picture

That's all I usually run. Deca and sust. Maybe an oral.

I'm way out of shape. I need to shit or get off the pot. I have no motivation. I've just been resting alot.

Maybe I'll get motivated from you getting back into it lol


yep............... headset is the key to it all bro, i had to do my french job it was simply a necessity! it just had to be done during the summer, but ive paid for it with a 12lb weight gain... a bad 12lbs at that!..... i did find a gym to go through the workout basics but i didnt have suze or my guys around me to really bring out the animal............. now i am back home its a whole different ball game, i have the familiar buzz around me again and im back to my set lifestyle which just revolves around Bodybuilding 24/7.

No plans to get ripped , but i just want to get back to "myself" if you know what i mean Smile

BigThing's picture

Have to admit that I did not read the article as I really dislike the site due to their N2bullshit but one of my buddies runs that stack every year for the past 3-4 years and loves it. I've seen him bulking on it as well as cutting. The results were dictated by his diet. In my opinion boldenone is such a versatile drug that it could fit into any stack if the person knows what they are doing. Tren? I'm not a big fan and it is really powerful drug so adding more to it except for test and ancillaries might be a little overkill unless you are really experienced pro who has really pushed it's body to the max. The way I go about this, you either use few compounds that are less toxic and if you want to use the harsher ones just limit the number of drugs in the cocktail. I can only imagine that the above mentioned combo might sky rocket your rbc count so the user really needs to be experienced and monitor bloodwork.