uknoantd's picture
  • 17

+ 9 a nice clean bulk


current weight is at 185 at 8% body fat with height at 5'8
Goal is to hit 200 and go from there!!
I appreciate any feed back given.

Only running Test cyp

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exoticnfit's picture

Nice off season look.

Body Fat % may be a little higher but tough to tell with the water you are carrying.

Again, you look nice and full and during off season (regardless of time of year) its about having separation and density. You don't want to look sloppy but you also don't need to be sporting a superset of abs either.

200 will be attainable soon depending on diet/training and supplementation.

Make it so!!!

TINYTIM36's picture

Looking swole! I actually have a current pic up and I'm sititting 13.8-14%. The type of caliper, where you actually caliper and how will effect your readings and I don't worry about bf% when I'm trying to gain. If I can still see abs some what I'm happy. Keep it up 200 you'll smash it!

uknoantd's picture

Thanks bro I appreciate that, and that's exactly how I think too

sic26's picture

keep pushing. looks like you almost there:)

Owes a Review × 1
uknoantd's picture

thanks man

exoticnfit's picture

Pic on left looks like the dude who used to win WNBF bb shows back in the day while not exactly natural.


tonytulo's picture

I wasn't going to say anything I walk around at 12 to 14 and he looks nothing like I do as I'm sure we can all agree. I was thinking low to mid teens.....

uknoantd's picture

like i said last time i got it checked i was 10lbs lighter and it was 8.2%. Also i dont walk around holding that much water on a daily basis lol just that day i was. honestly i could care less about body fat when trying to gain weight im not doing a show or anything so as long as i dont look fat thats what matters to me. Good looking out though brother

uknoantd's picture

thanks Cronus, I appreciate especially from looking at ur pics u clearly know whats good with bulking haha

Froggen's picture

Looking great bro

uknoantd's picture

thanks bro im trying

uknoantd's picture

there getting there as well, cant have a mansion built on foundation for a shack haha

zeb0312's picture

Eat like a friggin horse bro and.......

.........KEEP KILLING THAT SHIT..........

Got to eat big to get big........

Another member has helped me make great gains here with my eating and gear dose........ :-)

uknoantd's picture

appreciate the words of encouragement, its funny that i used to think i ate a lot a couple years ago, but now i turned it into a full time job lol

zeb0312's picture

Exactly, I get to where I hate food sometimes and force it down, and others I tear that shit up.....

Makwa's picture

You know you are probably eating enough when eating actually becomes a chore. I always look forward to bulking after a cut but after awhile the eating becomes such a chore where I actually don't really seem to like food anymore and it becomes really hard to eat where you have to force it down. Goes from one extreme to the other. Cutting where you would eat the asshole of a horse if given a chance to bulking where you begin to not even like the sight of food. Nothing is easy in this game.

sic26's picture

"asshole of a horse" lol but very true or at least feels that way

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uknoantd's picture

Couldnt have said it better myself, thats exactly how it feels like

Vader467's picture

Good work, bro!

uknoantd's picture

appreciate it brother!

rabbitman's picture

Looks like 200lb goal not too far off bro, hard work is paying off!!!

uknoantd's picture

thanks man, thats what im aiming for and then it will just go up from there!!

i-fitpharma's picture


uknoantd's picture

definitely gotta give credit to your supplements bro

Bulkdaddy's picture

Looking good bro! Make sure you hit your core up a few times a week. +1

Owes a Review × 2
uknoantd's picture

thanks brother, my stomach looks like regular but when i flex u can see abs lol but ill def do more

Swole's picture

Strong work!

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uknoantd's picture

thanks bro!

Makwa's picture

Nice mass, but no where near 8%. I'd say 13-14%. Nice work regardless.

uknoantd's picture

thanks man, been working hard and yeah i mean last time i checked was when i was 10lbs lighter on the InBody machine. Regardless bf doesnt really mean much to me as long as i dont look fat haha.
Gotta focus on one thing at a time and thats gaining mass right now, but appreciate brother

cd1's picture

2plus for the mass
But no way 8 percent fella...12 - 14

uknoantd's picture

thanks man appreiciate that, the last time i checked using that machine InBody it said 8.2 i was 10lbs lighter so u may be right. Def not 14 though lol, if i flex i can still see abs just wasnt in this picture

cd1's picture

Eitherway fella

You got some nice mass there

uknoantd's picture

thanks man, made eating my full time job haha

robb's picture

Great delts, traps and arms. Looking solid but I very much doubt your bf is 8%, regardless good luck with your bulk +2

uknoantd's picture

thanks buddy i appreciate that, and i knew the bf comment was going to come up lol im holding a lot of water in this picture that day