irongame427's picture
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Your guys protocols

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Whats your guys protocols with gh? Do you like to run higher doses when bulking or cutting? Bigger less frequent doses or smaller more frequent doses? Personally I like smaller more frequent doses when trying to drop fat to keep a consistent moderate level of circulating all day, but when bulking I like just two big doses, one around workout time so theres a huge spike in igf-1 post workout and another before bed as we all know you grow when you sleep so i want a large amount in my body when I'm growing and recovering. What do you guys do?

AthleteZ's picture

I discovered HGH a little over a year ago and it changed my life for the better. I focus on cardio/endurance/athlete workouts rather than bodybuilding workouts so this should be taken into account when reading this post. I used to play basketball and I was constantly injuring this ligament or that tendon. Since I have started taking HGH the serious injuries that put me out-of-commission for a bit have been much fewer and farther between. I have also noticed an overall improvement in my energy levels and well-being (my mind seems sharper). This could, in part, be due to the psychological effects of feeling better about my athletic/fitness abilities, who knows.

I like to use smaller doses spread throughout the day if possible. Although, it gets annoying when you're poking yourself 5 or 6 times a day, doesn't hurt it's just annoying and time-consuming. I will typically take the largest dose in the morning, for the energy boost it provides. You know, a lot of the time I just go with how my body feels. For example, if I had a really strenuous workout the day of or the day before, I'll use between 3-5 IUs. If I haven't had a workout in a couple of days, for whatever reason, I'll only use 1-1.5 IUs, because my body simply does not need it for recovery. My theory is that over-administration at this is point (when it is not needed for muscle/ligament recovery) is when you start to get enlarging of the gut and growth of other areas that you do not necessarily want. Because you now have excess circulating GH not going towards muscle recovery, so it gets used up by the organs, head, etc... However, this could be complete rubbish, I am not a doctor.

To irongame427's point, I can absolutely see the logic behind administering a large dose before bed for recovery. If I have a nagging injury sometimes I'll go this route and it seems to work quite well.

Anyways, I was happy when I saw this thread and to meet some like-minded folks.

Also, I just realized this is a super old thread lol I'll look for a more recent one.

haapinessgains's picture

What's thoughts on 7 days on versus 5/2 split. Right now I just got off cycle and am crushing at 200 mg test cyp. I am running 5 iu angtropin. What do you think would yield better results. Upping it to 6 iu and running 5/2 or dropping to 4 iu and staying there while on cruise.

lordoftheoctagon's picture

If you can, I'd stay at min while cursing until next blast.

irongame427's picture

I agree, keep it low while cruising. if i have 10iu vials ill go with 3.33ius ed while off cycle then ramp it up while on to shock the body. As with anything the body will get used to gh at a certian dose and the results will not be as good as when you first started, so by lowering your dose or taking time off and then rasing it you can avoid this plateau. Ive seen a huge increase in results when i bumped up my dose on cycle from the low dose i was using off cycle.

Goodfella1118's picture

I’m on my first run with growth now started at 2 iu /day now up to 3 , been on for a month now, but my wrist and hands are starting to hurt. Do you adjust to this or is it reason to drop the dose ?

haapinessgains's picture

I've heard that's pretty common to do but never really heard of a reasoning behind it. I'm sure hgh and aas while blasting has a very profound effect as this last cycle was the only time I ran hgh. I'm very new to hgh but I am loving it so far. Not just for the physique effects but just all around feeling better and the number one reason I actually was able to get almost all the way off my sleep meds I have been on for years. I think I may keep it at 4 iu until cycle starts in April. Then bump it to 5 iu perhaps higher depending on my tax refund. Haha. I had 1200 iu so at 4 iu that would be 10 month and at 5 that's 8. So the way I plan on using it I'm sure I could get 9 months. I plan on running hgh for at least 18 months and maybe longer. Hopefully the rest of my life financially dependent. You think 4 iu is a good dose while on cruise or should I take it even lower. Think I will see much difference between 3 or 4 iu? The only things I am taking right now are about 250 test cyp, 50 mcg t4, hgh.

lordoftheoctagon's picture

3iu is find and no need for the T4 unless you're having issues

sic26's picture

Guess this is a question what's the most
U have taken before bed ?

NickyFerb's picture

I am currently using Tev-tropin and injecting 5ius when I wake up

should I be splitting them up to am and pm injections? say 12 hours apart?

irongame427's picture

Tev-tropin was the first pharm grade gh i ever used, I got awesome results from them. I would take 2.5ius am and 2.5ius pm if i was you.

NickyFerb's picture

Fantastic. I will be changing my gh procotol to just that!

Thank you for the confirmation and advice @irongame427

Mp859's picture

With pharm grade. Serostim I use 3iu am/3iu pm

Generic usually 6/6

lordoftheoctagon's picture

My usual inj times are wake up-bed tine-middle of the night.

FillTheSyringe's picture

When im cruising i take 3iu in AM. On bulk cycle i take 3iu AM and 9+ pre workout. Cutting i take 3 AM 3 pre and 3 at night.

SlowBro's picture

i prefer smaller doses throughout the day. your goals also are a factor in this, but also so is your body type to an extent. someone who naturally gains weight easier will have an easier time staying lean with more frequent shots.

when i dieted for my last show i did 10iu split 5 times daily. now that i am off season, i typically just do 1 shot in the morning, 1 shot preworkout, and 1 shot before bed.

NickyFerb's picture

im sure gh is like test in terms of shot frequency. i know when i take more shots of test frequently i feel stronger than say injecting twice a week

does this principal apply to gh as well? cause right now i just inject 5iu in the morning and thats it.
i use pharmaceutical gh called tev tropin by teva pharma now. before i was using norvotropin which is a ug gh and i was using 5ius of that and one shot a day helped me get lean quickly

lordoftheoctagon's picture

Better to split dosage

NickyFerb's picture

ive been doing it wrong lol

i will inject 2.5 iu in the morning and 2.5iu at night.

thanks bro.

lordoftheoctagon's picture

Not necessarily wrong but monad effective as more frequent dosing