ChefCurry's picture
  • 8

Dark eye circles?


Hey y'all.

I was wondering if anyone had some insight on anything ranging from injectable peptide to homeopathic remedies for darkness under the eyes from years of not sleeping enough lol.

Any insight is greatly appreciated!!!!!

borisleehk's picture

Try caffeine serum eg the ordinary. They work by constricting blood capillaries under your eyes and would reduce the puffiness and hence the darkness.

gav1983's picture

Its genetic, you can only aleviate it, a good diet of bright coloured vegetables, fruits will address it, plenty of water, sleep, avoid late nights, junkfood, sodium etc

alextoronto999's picture

This may relate to low cortisol levels as well as poor circulation in the face. I have horrible dark circles under my eyes but they always appear better in the morning when hormone production in highest. Evening I tend to look ghoulish.

Taineptine 5mg helped my face look bit healthier and thus I may try it again.

flacidego's picture

Put some Preparation H on those bags.

ItsAllBS's picture

Heroin addict trick bag.Good call

Makwa's picture

You will have to import the prep H that is only sold in canada. The canadian formula is the orignal formula still.

This is from a post I made when researching it for comp prep.

The US and other areas changed their formulas a few years back and no longer include BioDyne, which is what made it useful for comp prep and removing wrinkles from under your eyes.

ChefCurry's picture

Ordering it via e bay!! Thanks for the info bother. What role did it play in your prep?

Makwa's picture

That is where I got if from also. I didn't end up using it. Forgot I even had it. I used some Thiomucase for about 6 weeks instead.

ChefCurry's picture

Never heard of thAt brother

KMC's picture

So Canada still has an overabundance hemroids, .................that would explain a lot about the guys I work with.

Owes a Review × 1
flacidego's picture

I haven't used it since half my age ago, but boy did it work.

kodiakGRRL's picture

that doesn't work anymore .. they changed the formula

flacidego's picture

Good to know.

TheFlash85's picture

vitamin e, coq10, make sure your taking a multi aswell, as stated below, tea bags can help ( anti oxidants, that cream above works well, use it for a good few months for results, poor blood circulation is the problem in that area, massage the area 3 times a day for like 4 minutes at a time, let some blood in there, good luck.

Catalyst's picture

I never thought I'd see the day when Flash started recommending "Nivea for Men" ;)

Whitetrash's picture


TheFlash85's picture

lmao! just helping a brother out, i have nasty black eyes and scars, i went through a stage where it bothered me, now i just dont let it get too me as much.

ChefCurry's picture

Appreciate u bro

Catalyst's picture

It was just so NOT the picture I have of you in my head mate lol!

TheFlash85's picture

well im a pale skinned white boy. I have tribal tattoos all over my body from my neck down to my feet, all black, I have scars on my head and face from being bottled, and a dog bite lol, the black eyes from not sleeping for like 3 years hahaha.

Catalyst's picture

See that's the image I had, a biker covered in tattoos etc.

IrishMack's picture

you are a fucking mess! Any tips on increasing my eyelashes and matching the right foundation with my skin tone and complexion?

tonytulo's picture


ChefCurry's picture

Checking In to this bro. Thanks for the link!

Greg's picture

Sleep or go with it... get into that steampunk or Goth look.

kodiakGRRL's picture

fyi cold tea bags will help resolve swelling ... have you tried yoga or mediation to actually fix the sleep issues

ChefCurry's picture

I don't hav major sleep issues. I just do not get a lot of it :/

kodiakGRRL's picture

gotcha ;-) maybe you should think about getting more ;-)

IrishMack's picture

It takes a real man to admit to doing something like this, I applaud you for staying in touch with your feminine side and sharing.

IrishMack's picture

Its all good, I actually used to do it just to rap with the hot chicks.

kodiakGRRL's picture

foundation not concealer???

If I was a dude I d opt for the concealer not the foundation ... I m just sayin

ChefCurry's picture

No shame in the game brother. Taking care of yourself so you look your best is cool.

mike7's picture

You can put two spoons in the freezer for s bit and then put them over your eyes and should bring the swelling which is causing the bags to come down...I suffer wit the same issue because I can't sleep ethier. However recently started to take melatonin which helps. The best remedy is to get more sleep and get your body on a consistent sleep cycle!

ChefCurry's picture

Any ideas for the darkened skin?

Dickkhead's picture

Bro, all that will go away if you sleep.

To be honest I had terrible insomnia for years. It was ruining my life. I went from doctor to doctor and finally saw a psycho-pharmacologist in West Chester, PA. This is a medical doctor who did his residency in psychiatry and also went to pharmacy school. There are about less than 100 of these guys in the entire US. Starting 10 years ago he came up with a sleep cocktail for me. Huge amounts of drugs. But, you know what. I sleep like a baby and wake up refreshed and not groggy or hungover from the meds. For the last 10 years I take the same stuff and never had to increase anything.

At bedtime:

Ativan 8 mg (no that's not a typo) - nice benzodiazepine tranquilizer
Seroquel 300 mg - novel anti-psychotic
Trazodone 200 mg - anti depressant
Ambien 10 mg - sedative hypnotic

Am I addicted to this shit by now. Sure thing I am definitely. Do I care. No. Has it caused any health problems? Not any thing that modern medicine can test for. If you take this list to your family doctor, he will think you are a lunatic and wrongfully assume that no competent doctor would ever prescribe something like that to a patient. Wrong. Sleep is everything bro. I get 8-9 hours a night.

Trensomnia? Not for GearHead. Tren is no match for that stack. I laugh at the very idea.

Also, the very best part of this is that if there is anything weighing on my mind, also no match for the stack. I don't lose sleep over anything.

fusebox's picture

My mom had some of this when she was in the hospital to relax her for a ct scan. I left the room to call my wife and returned to her babbling like a lunatic. Said she was talking to my grandma and someone else that had passed away many years ago.

Dickkhead's picture

I don't know if that's funny or not. Glad she snapped out of it. Never had any side effect on me except good sleep. Eroids is fascinating in this regard - many here do not have problems blessing large stacks of heavy duty anabolics but come a discussion of BP or sleep and the same folk suddenly wax all homeopathic. Now, that I find funny.

vhman's picture


kodiakGRRL's picture

HOLY shit .... if you ever over dosed on that cocktail that Dr can kiss his life as he knows it good bye..

tonytulo's picture

sheeeeeet look at Michael jacksons doc lmfao

Dickkhead's picture

Well, I think the dosages would have to be adjusted for a 160 lb. guy. LOL

cry_havoc's picture

Does it have any impact on your moods or other aspects of your life? Sex and relationships etc...

ChefCurry's picture

X2. That's one hell of a cocktail but it seems to be working

Dickkhead's picture

Yes. I'm always in a good mood from the moment I wake up. I have energy for the day. Energy to train. Energy for sex. Great sleep is like a blessing from the Almighty. I'm never tired and crabby. I'll even go as far to say I look younger than guys my age. No bags under these eyes! I don't snap at my wife and kids. When your not tired, you have more patience with people. Not to say I don't discipline my kids. I do. The old fashioned way as well. Now, my wife is not going to reach over and initiate anything at 3 AM to be spontaneous. I'm out cold. But, she can accept that. I would say that is the only issue w/r/t intimacy and using sleep meds.

cry_havoc's picture

Did that doctor do a sleep study on you before prescribing that. I'm very interested in what you are saying as I have had trouble sleeping most of my life. Very active mind

Dickkhead's picture

Yes, of course. He wanted to make sure I did not have sleep apnea. I don't. He looked at a bunch of things from the sleep study that are way over my head before he prescribed that particular combination of meds.