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+ 46 Peak Week Prep Strategy


What I want to outline here is how I went about my final week (peak week) to prepare for my last bodybuilding competition. Peak week is perhaps the most confusing week out of the whole competition prep. What do I do about sodium, how do a manage carbs, how do I manipulate water, how should I be working out? You can see why it can become so confusing because there are so many variables to deal with and they are all interrelated to one other. You talk to 10 different bodybuilders and you are probably going to get 10 different ways on how they prepare for their peak week. What I am outlining here is what I think is a pretty safe strategy for you to follow to polish up your physique. It worked for me and I was “dialed in” come show time. So for your first show don’t try something radical because it can easily backfire on you and ruin your show.

It goes without saying but if you are not already lean enough by the final week before the show, none of this is going to help you. You should basically be ready to step on stage 1 week before your show. What we are doing this final week is just fine tuning everything to take you to the next level and win your comp. Now, let’s get to it.

What’s the deal with Sodium

You probably already know that how much water your body holds is closely related to the amounts of sodium in your body. There is a caveat though; your body can only hold so much water regardless of how much sodium you are consuming. Consuming higher amounts of sodium before peak weak is actually going to help you shed more water when you cut sodium during peak week. So don’t be shy with the sodium going into peak week. I didn’t worry about sodium before peak week. If I wanted salt on my food I put it on and didn’t worry about. I was consuming 4-6 grams/day. So don’t worry about sauces or whatever you are putting on your food that may have a lot of sodium in it. Enjoy your sodium while you can.

Alright, it is peak week now and we have to start monitoring sodium. Your body has become accustomed to the higher sodium levels so now once you start dropping them your body will purge all of its excess water.

Here is how I manipulated my sodium:
Day 7 (7days out from show) I cut my sodium in half. So I went from 4g down to 2g/d. Day 6 I cut that in half again (1g). Days 5,4,3 sodium was cut in half again (500mg/d). On days 2 and 1 sodium was kept as low as possible. Those final days when keeping sodium as low as possible you have to read the label on everything you eat or drink. Make sure that chicken breast you are eating has not been injected with a saline solution to keep it juicy (most of them are). You should only be buying chicken, beef, fish, etc. that lists the sodium content on the label so you know what it is. Say goodbye to your sauces and marinades also during these final two days. Eggs are going to be off your list these last two days also. One egg has 65mg sodium in it. Watch your protein powders also. Some of mine had over 220mg sodium/serving while others had only 35mg.

What’s the deal with Carbs

Come peak weak you should already be eating a low carb diet to maximize fat loss. I was eating 150g/day going into peak week. I would have liked to have been closer to 100g/day but I just wasn’t functioning right on that low of carbs. Anyway, come peak week it is time for a drastic cut in carbs to really deplete your glycogen levels. You are going to feel like utter crap (at least I did) with your carbs really low so be prepared.

Here is why you are cutting those carbs:

  1. It is going to accelerate your fat burning to help get rid of those few stubborn fat deposits that you have been trying to work off

  2. It is going to deplete your glycogen stores. Here is a little primer on glycogen. The glycogen that is stored in your muscles holds water, that glycogen actually pulls water into the muscles to help plump them up. So the more glycogen your muscles are holding the more water that is going to be pulled into them and the “plumper” your muscles are going to look. These low carb days are going to make you look flat because your muscles are depleted of glycogen so don’t freak out. The reason you are doing this is explained in point 3.

  3. It has been shown that when you deplete the glycogen in your muscles you can actually store more glycogen in them when you carb load later in the week. More glycogen equates to bigger muscles.

Process for carb depleting

What I did for cutting carbs during peak week was to cut my normal carb amount (150 g/d) in half. So for days 7,6,5 I was shooting for around 75g/d. I actually got down to about 50g/day but you don’t want to go to low so don’t shoot for zero carbs. Try to keep it ½ your normal amount or slightly less. When you do eat carbs on those days, most of them should be consumed post-workout.

On days 4 and 3 try cutting your carbs in half again. So from my 75g/day I was shooting for around 30-40g day. These are a tough couple of days, but the fun is about to begin when you actually get to carb load.

Process for carb loading

All right, you are two days away from your show. Now you get to carb load. Yeah!! Now you are going to turn into a big shredded mofo. Day 2 here is probably the most critical day for carb loading. Shoot for at least 3x your normal carb intake. My normal was around 150g/d so day 2 I was shooting for around 450g. Day 1 (the day before the show) you’ll have to make a decision. If you are looking flat shoot for 3x your daily carb intake again. If you had some spillover from too many carbs and are looking smooth back the carb loading down to 2x your daily intake.

Some notes to keep in mind while carb loading:

  1. You can pound down fast or slow digesting carbs. My favorites were white potatoes, sweet potatoes and Willy Wonka bottle caps and sweet tarts (contain only dextrose and maltodextrin which are perfect for carb loading), and Bear Naked granola.

  2. Oatmeal, rice, pasta are probably not so good during this time since these carb sources contain a lot of water once prepared which we are trying to reduce (more on this later).

  3. Watch the sodium in your carb sources. Why did I choose the carb sources I used above? Damn near zero sodium in them.

  4. Watch how much fruit you eat. It is fine for the first day of loading but skip it the day before contest (day 1). Fruit contains mainly fructose which is converted to glucose in the liver but if your liver is full of glucose now from the first day of loading, fructose gets converted into fat instead. Not what we are looking for. So stay away from candy that contains fructose and fruits or anything else with fructose or high fructose corn syrup etc.

Water Intake

Water is important here just like everything else so measure it out. For most of your prep you should be drinking a minimum of 2gal of water a day. One week out from peak week I bumped my water intake up to 3 gal/d. This helps with flushing out all that sodium you are eating and helps to rid your body of excess water.

Days 7,6,5,4,3 out from show you should be drinking as much water as humanly possible. I was hitting 3-3.5 gal/d. Day 2 cut that back to a half gallon. Day 1 keep it under 16oz. Your veins are going to be popping now.

On the day of the show try not to drink anything until pre-judging is over. Then just sip water throughout the day as needed. You are going to be sweating your ass off out on stage so if you need to don’t be afraid to drink a cup or two to help from cramping out or even passing out.

Notes on water intake:

  1. To help shed even more water those final two days before the show I used natural diuretics like dandelion root and vitamin C. I used pure dandelion extract and put a few droppers full into everything I drank. I also pounded 10g/d vitamin C those last 2 days.

  2. What is happening these last 2 days when you are cutting water is that with all of your carb loading these last two days the water that that glycogen needs has to come from somewhere and it pulls all of the subq water from under your skin helping to make your skin look like saran wrap.

Working out and cardio

You are not going to set any personal bests working out this final week. The goal here is just to help deplete the glycogen in your muscles. Work out your legs and abs first on day 7 and that is the last time you should work them out for the week. Legs and abs look best when they are not pumped up so also be sure not to pump them up backstage or you will start to lose definition. On days 6,5,4,3 you should do a complete upper body workout each day. Pick an exercise and do 3-4 sets for each body part and just repeat the next day. You could switch it up with a different exercise if you want. Shoot for 15-20 reps each set. You should not be lifting heavy this week. Continue with your morning fasted cardio days 7-3 also. Stick with Low intensity steady state.

This is important. On days 2 and 1 before your show you do not want to do any cardio or workouts. Your sole purpose these last two days is to carb load your muscles and working out is counterproductive to that goal. You want to carb load and take it easy. Just practice your posing and routine these last two days. That is all the working out you need.

Hope this helps some of you with shows coming up. It worked for me. Good Luck to everyone.

AK80's picture

Very good information Makwa, thank you! Urs Kalecinski and Wesley Visser both have said the same stuff many times in their recent YouTube videos.

Smalldood's picture

People pay a lot of money for this type of information. Thank you for not being selfish and sharing.

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Makwa's picture

Peak week is often the most confusing but also the most important so this blueprint for it hopefully clears things up for people so they don't stress over it to much Lol

Smalldood's picture

It most definitely is both the most confusing and the most important. Im thinking about doing my first show next year. If my bulk goes as planned. Doing lots of research. Will probably hire a coach but still want to be as knowledgeable to things i need to pay attention to.

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AK80's picture

LOL no. You'd just piss it out. Sooooo glad the moderators tossed you in the dumpster last year....

Makwa's picture

I don't take any vit C until those final couple of days when I need to purge water. 10g/d those last 2 days will have you peeled. I didn't notice any changes in BP. I probably wouldn't recommend 10g/d of vit C for more than a couple days in a row, but that is all it is for so really not to big of deal. If you are going to use Vit C as a diuretic you have to use enough of it. I don't think 1g/d would be enough to really purge the water. 5g/d might do it but 10g/d seems to be the ticket.

I wouldn't worry about vit C and water at this point unless you just want some vit C for overall health benefits.

kdebless's picture

What do think on adding a pinch of sea salt to each meal. Dont u want sodium for more vascularity...taking it completely out would take away the vascularity..just a question.
Allot of pros dobt touch sodium because of that reason

Makwa's picture

Nothing wrong with sodium. It is all a matter of when to cut it out for peaking purposes.

SL's picture

I was about to message you about this, then I seen your post on another post.. This is exactly what I needed.. Thank you so much Makwa, this is like coaching advice big time! Hope you guys take advantage of this knowledge^^.. +

Makwa's picture

It is a pretty bulletproof strategy for peaking. Be sure to take good notes so you know what to tweak if need be next time.

Optimusprimal's picture

i had a question. Ill follow your peak plan afterall for my comp but i have a minor thing i need u to clarify for me. On the day of the show, or the night before, you dont start to take sodium since you either reduce it drastically or cut it 2-3 days days out ? So for example if my show is on saturday, wont i start retaking sodium in the morning of the show and throughout the day?

Makwa's picture

I'll keep all sodium out until after judging in the morning. Then I might have a burger before night show.

SL's picture

Sodium makes you hold water and that is last thing you want on that day.. your body is already sucking water out of skin for the carbs you will be eating that is what he is stressing we do last few days

alekaras's picture

thats one hell of a read thanks mak !! +1

Thebully's picture

Hey man, just curious on your thoughts of trying to lower estrogen pre show to dry out? Is it essential?

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Makwa's picture

Crashing estro can help to dry out. I would get rid of all aromatizing compounds at least 2 wks before to help ensure lower estro levels. The lower the estro the better IMO.

Bearded_muscle's picture

What about potassium? I’ve been reading about potassium loading going into the competition to help fill out and drop water similar to what we do with sodium. I’ve also read that this becomes more effective with diuretics but I’d like to stay away from those for now.

Taten's picture

If potassium levels are low, the body tries to hoard it, which also means hanging onto sodium. The body works in a balance with sodium and potassium. If potassium is high, it can naturally lower your sodium from what i remember. I will have to do some research on this.

Makwa's picture

Never heard of potassium loading so I am unfamiliar with that. I don't mess around with diuretics so I am not much help on that either.

RIPPED02's picture

AWESOME right up!!! Will be taking advantage of this come next show!! Thanks for sharing!!

leanbulk819's picture

great information....peak week is hell, but handling it well can be the difference in your place!

mrking_89's picture

Nice post...

Whats your opinion of manipulating potassium levels exogenously during this process?

Dodge Viper's picture

Thanks a lot brother , absolutely great post!

rageracing's picture

Best explaination of contest prep i have read yet. Very simple and to the point.

palmcoaster's picture

great post, my last show was in October and I won my class but after reading this I would have made a few changes.

99transam's picture

I used this exact prep in my last weeks comp that landed me a heavyweight and overall novice win.
It was amazing those final 2 days whatching my body dry out. I dropped water friday @3:00 then sipped as needed.
White potatoes and rice cakes literally sucked up all remaining vesicular water.
I did indulge on a couple protein bars and granola as well. I'm alittle carb sensitive so I didn't want to go crazy. I believe I peaked perfectly following this exact protocol.
My diuretic of choice was Expel (amongst others)....shit had me losing lbs/day while sparing potassium/electrolytes

Catalyst's picture

Good call on the sticky.

Well done Makwa, well deserved.

extremediezel's picture

loved the post, very detailed. you efforts goes beyond gym +1

robb's picture

I'd love to see more posts like this, lots of people competing on here.
I find it a great read with real life experience to back it up, great work bro! Plenty to learn for the novice or just those interested in in it takes to get stage ready.

Sticky material, most definitely!

Catalyst's picture

Another great article Makwa. You have become an amazing pool of knowledge for the eroids community.

Sticky material???? Surely a great point of call for those starting out in competing?

99transam's picture

For the couple days before comp day.....Any suggestions other than the norm for good carb loading sources. I tend to stay away from oats/rice/pasta because of the little water they carry when cooked.
I usually stick with the same sweet and white potatoes, whole wheat small bagels, wheat tortillas and low fat granola.
Just looking for other good food options...of course everyone responds different, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
I keep the sugary simple carbs for show day.

Makwa's picture

I usually stick with the same sweet and white potatoes, whole wheat small bagels, wheat tortillas and low fat granola.

those were pretty much my staples for carb loading. Another good one is air popped popcorn. One of the key things to look out for again is that whatever carbs you are using, they need to be *low sodium.
A White potatoe with a chicken breast was pretty much my staple diet for carb loading. A half dozen taters a day really seemed to pull the water out of my skin. Then I would treat myself with some granola to really bump up the carb content.

SlowBro's picture

you should load up on mostly the same foods you ate during prep to avoid digestive issues imo. or atleast somewhat similar to foods you know you can digest well.

Makwa's picture

Very good point. This is not the time to try out new foods. I also stayed away from brocolli and other vegetables like that. They always seemed to bloat me.

Whitetrash's picture

Another awesome writeup brother! Thanks!

Oldermuscle41's picture

Good shit!! I will follow this with my show!!! Hope I'm already lean enough..

Makwa's picture

Those last couple of days are when everything seems to come together. It's pretty amazing what you end up looking like at the end of the week.

Oldermuscle41's picture

Can't wait!!

Colossus_fit's picture

is what I need!

Theophany's picture

Much valued information brother! Should definitely be a sticky! I'm adding it to my favorites! Thank you so very much for sharing! Well written and detailed from a champion!

Makwa's picture

This prep strategy isn't just for bodybuilders. It is also a perfect strategy for anybody in physique or that has a photo shoot coming up.

superman75's picture

Yes it'll be a little different for each and every person, however this guide line is very accurate, and has my vote for a sticky. Thanks a million Mak, very well written and informative.

guitarplayer1's picture

Very useful info Makwa, real talk bro. How was your sleep and stress leading up to the show? Also did you splurge post show?

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Makwa's picture

I don't think I slept for 3 days before the show. I was way stressed out with it being my first show and not knowing what to expect. Crashing estro and no test in me didn't help either.

Hell yeah I splurged after the It had been nearly 6 months since I had a real burger (other than a turkey burger) and some fries. I ate them real slow to savor them. Almost had a beer but I figured my liver had already taken a beating from the orals so I skipped that.

guitarplayer1's picture

Now that you know what's up you plan on competing again this year or wait till next?

The reality of how much money it takes to do these shows would be a nice writeup also. Tanning, spray tan, posing coach, Food, membership, entry fee, hotel (if needed), posing suit, etc......

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Makwa's picture

My goal is to work my ass off and come back at least 15lbs heavier next year (more if I can, but I think 15 is a reasonable goal) and compete in the same show. I would like to do more shows but I just want to focus on building some more quality mass. All of the judges wanted me to enter the masters national competion this july but I am just to burned out right now to do it. the prep for this comp took a lot out of me. But next year I think I will enter the nationals also. I told the judges I thought I was too light for nationals but they said I would be a top level competitor there so that was nice to hear so I can only imagine what an additional 15lbs with the same conditioning would be like.