Blac's picture
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+ 1 First cycle


I've been training for about 12 years or so. Wrestling/boxing/MMA for quite a few of those years. Just past 2-3 years have started lifting hard/bulking.

Just looking to do a solid/decent first cycle, nothing too extreme. Looking to cut a little fat and gain a bit.

Have test e, var, nolva, clomid, adex on hand.

Reason wk 1 is 250, is that I did 250 this week. Decided I'd up it to 300 since 250 seems pretty week.

Suggestion on how I run adex, if needed?

Is that PCT enough or what would be your recommendations? thanks!

Forgot to add. I've been taking clen for about 10 days now(last day on will be tuesday the 5th),was doing 2 weeks on, 2 off, 2 on, 2 off. Should I do that on cycle, or not? Or does it really matter?

WeekTestosterone EnanthateAnavarClomid/Nolva
Makwa's picture

To short of a cycle to run any EQ. EQ should be ran for a min of 16 wks.

thenewguy1's picture

Clen and Var on his first cycle? I have no experience with Clen so i cant say if this is a bad idea or not but i always thought first cycle should be TEST ONLY.

Blac's picture

To update, I haven't been taking clen. I took clen for the first week (I was doing 2on, 2off, and was already a week on, so they overlapped about 3 or 4 days after my first pin.). Have not taken it since.

Blac's picture

Just posted a 4 week update!

Justanotherguy's picture

Man up and take 250mg in each ass cheek, 3.5 days apart. Shouldn't hurt to bad, just REMEMBER TO ASPIRATE. By the way, pinning 500mg of test e at 250mg/ml would be 2ml, which either the quads or glutes would accept without a problem. The thing is we want to keep blood levels stable, this helps to minimize side effects. After you inject, your blood levels reach a "peak". According to the half life of the coumpound the trough will follow afterwards, where your testosterone blood levels are at their lowest. Our goal is the stabilize the blood levels, which keeps everything nice and neat in the body.

As for arimidex vs Aromasin, my personal opinion is that everyone should start off with Adex, as it's easier to dose and cheaper. Only if bloodwork shows that it is ineffective or not ideal, then Aromasin should be tried on the next cycle ( once again that is my personal opinion). I currently run Adex at .25mg E3D, which leaves my estrogen just in the middle of the reference range.

I noticed you said your diet was on point... Here's the thing. Eat. A lot. I eat roughly 6000 cals on cycle.

As for the anavar, assuming you tolerate te testosterone well, it wouldn't be horrible to throw in anavar for 4 weeks. I cannot advise this though, I'll stick with the 1 coumpound per cycle mentality.

Lastly, neither coumpound would really cause much bloating, it's estrogen that causes excessive bloat. Keep it in check, and you'll be all right. Do not forget to get mid cycle and post cycle bloods.

Blac's picture

Just to update,

First week I did 250mg, upped it to 500mg last week. Everything has been fine. I haven't noticed any signs of gyno, do notice a bit of water I believe. Going to start Adex tomorrow .25/E3D and see how it goes. I am planning on going out to at least 12 weeks.

My question on diet, I'm not exactly trying to bulk as I'd like to lean gain... Right now I'm carb cycling around 2500-2600 calories... Not a ton, but I also work from home, sitting on my couch the vast majority of my day... So I'm not actually burning a ton. Would you suggest upping that get more effect from my cycle?

Also what do you suggest for lifting routine? I've recently switched to a PPL and I absolutely love it. But is there a benefit to doing one way or another?

Right now, I'm not taking the var... But I'm planning if everything goes good when I get my bloodwork done around week 4-5 to incorporate it.

Makwa's picture

This is how I would structure my diet for lean gains:

Blac's picture

Thanks, when I did my first pin last week... I had no issues. Did 250mg into my left quad w/ a 25g. Literally no pain at all, granted I have a nurse doing the pinning so I'm pretty lucky there I think. Tbh scared as fuck of needles which is why I've gone so long w/o getting on something. Next day or two was a little tender/soreness but not much.

Will definitely go w/ adex, will start it with my next pin.

So even if I'm wanting to cut... you're suggesting just go hard and eat a shit ton?

I appreciate the advice from everybody, thank you again.

Blac's picture

Just to update,

First week I did 250mg, upped it to 500mg last week. Everything has been fine. I haven't noticed any signs of gyno, do notice a bit of water I believe. Going to start Adex tomorrow .25/E3D and see how it goes. I am planning on going out to at least 12 weeks.

My question on diet, I'm not exactly trying to bulk as I'd like to lean gain... Right now I'm carb cycling around 2500-2600 calories... Not a ton, but I also work from home, sitting on my couch the vast majority of my day... So I'm not actually burning a ton. Would you suggest upping that get more effect from my cycle?

Also what do you suggest for lifting routine? I've recently switched to a PPL and I absolutely love it. But is there a benefit to doing one way or another?

Right now, I'm not taking the var... But I'm planning if everything goes good when I get my bloodwork done around week 4-5 to incorporate it.

(copy/pasted from my above reply... assuming this will prompt people with a notification of a new reply?)

Blac's picture

Alright, I'm convinced. I'll push it out to 12 weeks. I'm gonna grab some more test this week and will start 250 twice a week. Unless its possible to do 500mg once a week? Is that too much to pin at once?

What would you suggest for the arimidex? .5 eod? Or ?

My diet/macro is on point, I've always been real solid on my diet when I need to be.

I was really wanting the var because of the hardening/cutting aspect. I'll leave it out for now, but assuming my first 6 weeks go good, would it be terrible to blast it for weeks 6-10?

My main concern is that I really don't want to get bloated through the middle of summer.

Justanotherguy's picture

Ok let's get started:

1) Traditional wisdom has it that the first cycle should be a long estered Tesostorone ( Enanthate or Cypionate) run at 500mg a week, for 12 weeks. Then two weeks after the last injection a 4 week long pct plan is implemented consisting of 100/100/50/50 mg of clomid for the 4 weeks, along with 40/40/20/20 mg of nolvadex. After which bloodwork should be done to see where your hormone levels are at.

2) Don't wait for issues to pop up to run your AI. I will include a link at the bottom on how it should be run. What should be kept on hand is Letrozole or a suicide inhibitor type AI.

3) 8 weeks might not be long enough to get the most out of our cycle. Consider extending it to 12.

4) About your dosing at 300mg/wk. I don't know for sure that it would be enough to call a cycle, it's just above what a TRT dose would be (200mg). I'll let a more experienced member chime in and advise you there. I will say that it is refreshing to see somebody taking a conservative approach and not just throwing in large amounts of AAS.

5) Add one compound per cycle. That means drop that anavar and save it for your next cycle.

Links I HIGHLY recommend you read, reread and understand. Also, next time post your cycle up before you start running it, this allows any flaws to be smoothed out before you hurt yourself.

Blac's picture

1) I've got no issues extending this past 8 weeks. I only threw that out there because around the 9th week, I will be doing ectasy one night. Agree or disagree with that decision, it is happening. I figured it would be best to be off by then. I'd like to do 10 and cut it short there.

2) I read about the AI, I'll definitely grab some aromasin. So based on your links, the suggestion is running aromasin during cycle VS adex?

3) Again, I think I'd prefer 10 just to stay safe/conservative... but depending on how i'm feeling/looking around week 9, I may continue to 12.

4) My thought for 300mg/wk, was it keeps me right at the point where I won't be getting bloated/carrying a lot of water.

5) I do understand this, originally I only wanted to do var, but everything I read said don't do var by itself, be sure to run a test base. Ideally, that's what I'm wanting to do.

Justanotherguy's picture

Forgot to address the ecstasy thing. Even if you were to drop the cycle at week 8, it would still be present in your system by the time you popped x. My advise, don't take it. But you're going to anyway, so make sure you have some damn close friends nearby to watch your back, keep your head clear as you can. Enjoy your night, but pay extra careful attention to your body's signals. If something goes wrong, call 911. You life is worth so much friend, so please take care.

Blac's picture

Thanks for chiming in on this, you can say don't... but yes I will. I'll be off clen, and just test/adex shouldn't have my heart racing/blood pressure up. Will definitely keep watch on myself. Thank you.

Whitetrash's picture

Taking X on cycle you're heading for an early grave. Get your fucking head screwed on and don't be such an idiot. High e2 can put your BP through the roof and adding x into the mix isn't a good idea. If you're into recreational drugs that your business and to be honest it makes no difference to me what you do but you came on here looking for advice so here it is. Stay away from X if you're planning to run a first cycle. If you can't you're not ready for AAS and you will do yourself more harm than good.

Justanotherguy's picture

BF% ?

Blac's picture

Probably 15%? here is a picture taken about 10 days ago (Forgot to add, I've been taking clen, was doing 2 weeks, last day on till be tuesday)

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