1Italian1's picture
  • 43

+ 5 First order from legit


50 Sustanon 250
500 Danabol Ds
150 Winstrol
500 Clen
180 Nolvadex
1 Hcg 5000iu

Little stock from Legit everything is perfect!

Ordered from: 
vhman's picture

Nice order. +2

Dump the clen...

1Italian1's picture

Thank you bro ;)

sephiroth's picture

Com'è il dianabol?

1Italian1's picture

Lo ha usato mio fratello ed è davvero buono

sephiroth's picture

Grazie per l'informazione ;)

alex073's picture

nice order mate:-)

legit sent me same sustanone I checked 100% original

1Italian1's picture

Yes they have legit gear ;)