Roid Noid's picture
Roid Noid
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tren base

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what are you guys running this at? 50-100mg/1 hour preworkout?

Roid Noid's picture

pinned quads yesterday, 75mg, no pain or swelling today. shit makes my so damn hot though, I dont sweat like i feel like i should, but my core is way hot.

Rustyhooker's picture

Will prolactin spike with a fast acting base like tne gives estro spike?

Gymjunkie01's picture

I only run 101.5 TNE with 1.5mg of methyl Tren .... stuff is insane for me it really makes me sweat and gives me insomnia if taken at night

Rustyhooker's picture

Curious how you hit precisely 10 1.5 mg tne? Lol

Gymjunkie01's picture

I don't know funny fuckers lol that's what it's dosed at lol 101.5 per ml.. It's like one of those questions how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop .. The world may never know

Rustyhooker's picture

Lol! Good enough.

Roid Noid's picture

you weigh it, how have you been doing it?

Roid Noid's picture

I must have left rusty thinking really hard on that one! lmao

Rustyhooker's picture

Haha! Been hectic. I separated the molecules and weighed em. Teeny lil fuckers. Lol

Pale's picture

I was confused as hell too,lol

PIN_CUSHION's picture

TNE, tends to give me estro flairs. Does Tren base have any sides like this? Obviously not estro related, but a rapid increase in prolactin?

Anonymous's picture

I use it 45 minutes before at 100mg and I usually notice like a hot flash very good pre work out good pumps and high strength gains very good for aggression...I love doing it on chest day and leg day

Oh and.... Sweat sweat sweat

Roid Noid's picture

wow, I pinned 100mg an hour ago, fucking shit gots me hot as fuck right now, no joke this stuff hits hard. well see how the gym goes

iFit's picture

I know that feeling all to well. TNE doesn't do much for me. Personally I prefer a good preworkout powder over TNE but Tren Base just lights me up to the point where it feels like my brain is on fire. It's so intense for me that I can barely hold a conversation and definitely can't use it on work days.

Rustyhooker's picture

I'm slow on the tren train. If you run the base and it's in n out so fast, will it be just for aggression or will it burn fat like tren a?

Roid Noid's picture

My guess is only for strength gains and gym time drive/preworkout

Rustyhooker's picture

Cool. That makes Lotta sence.

Pale's picture

Oh boy! I have been watching all the chatter about the base. How is PIP or swelling with it? That was my beef with the TNE's I have tried.

Roid Noid's picture

I did shoulder with a slin using Kodiak and got no pip.

Pale's picture

Truth is the only TNE I had was elites so chances are it was the gear. I use slins for 5 out of 7 pins each week. I love them. You were the one that planted that seed in my head back in your old sub-q tren post. Thanks.

Roid Noid's picture

you know very interesting happened to me with that sub-q tren run. first of all every tren run up to that one always gave me bad sleep sides, anything over 35mg/d...So then i decide to try it sub-q and I got up to 100-125mg/d with no sides, so I attribute it to the sub-q. And maybe it was or maybe it wasnt! Ive ran tren several times since then, actually ran it for like 8 months straight recently, several brands, even parabolan was mixed in there, and guess what? no fucking sleep sides till i get up into the 125mg/d range!!! I shit you not, its the craziest thing ever! I have no idea if the sub-q thing had anything to do with it or if its just coincidence now...anyhow I slin everything i can, its a dream, and I can probably pinch my skull and pin my head! love those damn things!

Rustyhooker's picture

The high test, low test theory. I've run low test first time and higher test second. For fat burn is running para or tren e low successful or independent of user. Example I get introverted but sleep like a rock. Para or tren e at low weekly for fat drop adds aggressive behavior? Or more estro issues? So many bro science theories.

Roid Noid's picture

tren has absolutely no fat burning capabilities for me! none. actually no steroid does for me. on or off cycle my BF% stays the same unless I do cardio. and tren hinders cardio so its a loose loose for me.

Rustyhooker's picture

I can see pale riders ideas as plausible. The old eca stack simply raised body temp. Add carbs and I'm like a human sauna.

Cardio loss is horrible. My lady loves marathon sex. Tren is like huffing hard in a rain storm. Lol.

Roid Noid's picture

it is plausible if you sweat on tren, it doesnt make me sweat.

Rustyhooker's picture

Amazing how everyone differs on reactions.

Pale's picture

Tren does seem to burn fat on me a little but honestly I attribute it to sweating like a whore in church most nights,lol. I purposely have not been doing cardio these last 8 weeks to test along with not being strict on my diet. I am leaner than when I started but I think if I am to get any leaner I need to incorporate the cardio back in.

Same here with the slins. I haven't messed around with sub q in awhile but there are so many muscles to hit I haven't worried. Especially when most of my shots are .6 or .7 ml. But even at 1ml it has been good. I am really tempted to try hitting the quads with a slin but I have been hesitant to do it.

Rustyhooker's picture

I can slin the quads, delts and bis. My waist is my fatty zone. :(

irongame427's picture

I do it all the time. 30g 1/2 to the quads. Just did it today actually 1ml tne pre workout. You gotta be somewhat lean tho. But i dont hold really any fat in my legs. All in my mid section :/

PIN_CUSHION's picture

So you don't have any problems hitting quads?

irongame427's picture

na man, if i could pin them every single time i would ive put 4mls into them before without issue. My glues accept gear well to but the needle always hurts going in and its just hard to reach. My delts hate gear, never not gotten pip even with with smoothest gear. I just hit calves for the first time on sunday, pips not to bad at all. Also started hitting biceps and triceps. Im good friends with an ifbb pro and he swears by spot injects into the arms. Ive already seen some real ressults from pinning arms. it doenst cause localized growth, but it makes it like you have a constant pump which stretches the fascia of the muscle, the fascia is which is what inhibits growth so a stretched fascia means easier future growth. Its the same idea behind synthol.

Pale's picture

You talking oils or HGH? I would shoot HGH pretty much wherever you feel like. No worries.

irongame427's picture

Na i only shoot my gh and peps subq in my abdominal area. Im talking about shooting gear with a slin pin you can do it anywhere except glutes i love it.

Roid Noid's picture

why would you think that you cant pin slins in your quads?

Pale's picture

I have no idea to be honest with you. For some reason it has been stuck in my head that I couldn't.

Roid Noid's picture

ive done it hundreds of times, probably 15 different spots on each quad

Pale's picture

Tonight was my Test C and cut stack night so that was a full pin in the ventro but tomorrow night I am going to start trying the shorties on my quads.

Pale's picture

Well last night I slin pinned cut stack in the left quad. I also did it the back load way. Two things, I had a splitting fucking headache yesterday (I think I need to give blood) so I was almost gonna skip pinning yesterday but about 11 last night I got up and loaded. Now I normally run the 1.25" pins in the quads and I line up with the hands at my side trick. Well with the slin I kind of looked for a thinner skin spot a little lower. #2 I normally sit down for quads and for whatever reason I totally did it standing up. So now today I have some pretty good pip. Oh well, lol.

irongame427's picture

So i thought exactly like you when i first started doing it. Im leaner low down on my quad near the knee but the muscles so thin there. The first time i slin pinned quads i didnt even think about it i just did it in my normal spot about halfway up my quad. Then the next time i thought like i just explained and how you did it, closer to my knee and i got an infection. Same gear same sterile procedure. idk what happened. the muscle is just so thin there compared to the thick meaty part farther up so maybe it just got irritated or something. But do it in the normal spot next time and not so low down an the pip wont be as bad if any.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Thanks for the update.

Pale's picture

Yea, I should have just pinned the same area I normally do while seated. I am paying the price for it lol

Pale's picture

I honestly do not think I have had pip this bad before LOL. My left leg is about useless right now. That is just so weird that leg muscles freak out so easily compared to anything upper body.

Now where is my vagasil?

Catalyst's picture

Buy some test suspension from ARL. Then you'll experience real pain....

Pale's picture

I'll keep that in mind, lol

Roid Noid's picture

I never pin legs standing.

Pale's picture

That is the #1 thing I did wrong the other night and I knew it as soon as I did it. But even still, how in the world does that end up stinging that freaking bad? I must have nailed a nerve or something,lol

Anonymous's picture

I won't put it in the quad..... I just pin glutes and it's not so bad

Catalyst's picture

I'd second that, my quads don't like it either and I rarely have any pip issues at all.

VGLUTE and delts normally.

Pale's picture

Right on, good to know for my own future reference.

Catalyst's picture

Needs a little longer to kick in for me. Ideally 90 mins pre workout.

Take an extra spare shirt / vest, you'll be sweating like a pig.