Older School's picture
Older School
  • 168

+ 27 Older School



I reached all of my goals - and then some - during this competition. I trained harder than ever before, and kept my diet on point for the entire three months.
My main goal of this lean bulk was to add size to my legs, while keeping my body fat low. My legs have always been my weak point and the biggest reason I've never competed before. I've still got a long way to go, but I am very happy with the growth in my lower body during the EBC. I outgrew most of my pants, and I blew out the elbows in three shirts during this competition.
In fact, after the progress I made during this EBC, I am now planning on competing on stage for the first time early next year. After all the work I've put into this EBC, my cycle still isn't over. Don't be surprised if I put on another 10 pounds before the end of the year!
Thanks to Eroids, Carlos, Catalyst and everybody who helped organize this EBC. Congratulations to all of the competitors. I don't know about you guys, but I had a great time.
Here is a synopsis of my goals and the results:
-Started at 235 pounds, set goal at 255 pounds, finished EBC at 262 pounds (27 pound gain).
-Started with 18-inch arms, set goal for 20-inch arms, finished EBC with 20.5-inch arms.
-Started at 10-11 percent body fat, set goal to stay at 10-11 percent body fat, finished EBC at 10-11 percent body fat.
-Started with puny legs, set goal to get bigger legs, finished EBC with competition-worthy legs.


This is my first EBC. My goal is to lean bulk. Right now, I weigh 235 at 11 percent body fat. I want to finish the EBC at 255 pounds and with the same body fat or slightly less (9 or 10 percent). My arms are 18 inches right now, and I want to finish the EBC with 20-inch arms.
My full stats are on my profile page: https://www.eroids.com/users/older-school
The areas where I'd like to see the most progress are: legs and back. I'm going to focus on those muscle groups during the next three months. My legs obviously need the most work.
I'm running a cycle that includes testosterone, nandrolone, boldenon and HGH. All of the products were ordered from Kodiak Queen and Affliction Labs. You can view my cycle log by clicking this link: http://www.eroids.com/cycle_logs/lean-bulker-for-ebc-older-school
My diet will be tailored to reach 6,000 calories, 500 grams of protein and 400 grams of carbohydrates every day for the first two months. I will cut back the intake across the board during the final month.
This is going to be a lot of fun. I'm really glad Carlos and the gang brought the EBC back. Good luck to all of my fellow competitors.

EBC Before Pic: 
Height (before EBC): 
Weight (before EBC): 
Body Fat (before EBC): 
EBC After Pic: 
Height (after EBC): 
Weight (after EBC): 
Body Fat (after EBC): 
ECB Wrapper: 
EBC 2014 FALL - Free For All
Older School's picture

Wouldn't miss this for the world, Carlos. Muchas gracias!

DBG's picture

Let's go do this man!!!

Older School's picture

Legs, legs, legs, brother. I'm counting on you.

kodiakGRRL's picture


Older School's picture

See what all those donuts did to my midsection? Yikes! Need to get my 'V' back.

kodiakGRRL's picture

I cant tell you at donuts.. i think you just wished you ate donuts.. I look like I ate all the donuts..

Older School's picture

Well, I can tell I ate the donuts. Can barely see my abs anymore. And you just lost a clothing size, so there's no way you ate any donuts.

sic26's picture

Owes a Review × 1
sic26's picture

You are real life cap Smile

Owes a Review × 1
Older School's picture

That's a pretty large compliment there, sic. Thanks, brother.

TimberDog's picture

OS about to heat things up!!! Good luck dawg! As well as you put on lean bulk, I have high hopes for you. Good luck! +1

Older School's picture

Wish you were doing this with me, brother. I've got a long way to go and a short time to get there.

BlackDoug's picture

Hey bro I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do! You're already a beast. I'm not really one to give advice to people superior to me in the physic department but I've got one for you. A lean bulk is soooo hard to actually gain on but you will find your gains in your legs. Workem' like there's no tomorrow and you will meet your goals. Good luck! I'll be submitting later today so be kind lol I've had a rough summer but I think I've taken care of my woes by accepting a new job with zero traveling so I'm coming after you and my legs are my focus too so good luck bro I sincerely mean that. I plan on giving 100% and expect nothing less from you. +1

Older School's picture

Spoken like a true competitor. Thanks for the motivation, Doug. I will take your advice and kill it on legs. My pecs have shrunken up a bit - I hurt my shoulder a few months ago and had to lay off bench press - so I think I should get some decent gains in that department as well.
Congrats on the new job. Less travel almost always means more time in the gym. And I know you will take advantage of that during the next few months. See you at the finish line, brother.

99transam's picture

Gotta give some respect to the old(er) school guys. GL man, your layout looks pretty good imo, just kill those legs and ur gonna do great

Older School's picture

Unless I hurt myself, I'm going to develop some respectable wheels over the next few months.
Thanks for the kind words. And take it easy on those 'stangs.

Harley1969's picture

Good luck Bro.You are at a great starting point. Legs are an issue with me as well. Hell, my kids even call me stilts. lol. I have however seen some growth since I've increased the volume of my work outs.

In a promo × 1
Older School's picture

Stilts. That's awesome.
I've got DBG in my corner helping me develop a solid legs routine. For some reason, I have a feeling it's going to include a fair share of dead lifts. :-)

DBG's picture

Eh, maybe ;-)
BUT!!!!....def lunges, walking lunges I mean, Bulgarian split squats...and some seriously unorthodox calf routines. Gunna cripple ya, lol!

Older School's picture

Aww hell.

DBG's picture

Ahh no worries man...and no gain without pain ;-)

Older School's picture

Thanks, Rusty!

Phoenix Rising's picture

Good luck to you

Older School's picture

Thanks, Mrs. Kfizzle. Good luck right back at you.

Dextermorganlv's picture

Solid man! You're going to do great! +1

Older School's picture

Thanks, Dexter. Good luck to you!

Littleginger's picture

Boss status!! Look great buddy and way to represent!!!

In a promo × 1
Older School's picture

I look like hell. LOL
That's why I never post "before" photos. I always wait until I'm about 30 days into cycle before I post any progress pics. But if the goal is overall personal transformation, then I should be good to go.
Thanks, Ginger.

Older School's picture

Thanks, Kountry. Just trying to keep up with you.

NoWeakAces's picture

Outstanding big guy. Good luck.

Older School's picture

You look pretty dang good yourself, Aces. Good luck!

WINNING's picture

You have potential, keep pushing and show them what your made of!!

Older School's picture

Means a lot coming from you, brother. Thanks.

Older School's picture

Thanks, Iron. You gonna' jump in this, or what?

SuperMax's picture

Your description of your goals sounds like a recomp. Me & you have similar build & same goals along with same cycle. I need to change mine to recomp. 8%bf will be a great ending point with the mass we see from this run. +2 & eat clean!!

Older School's picture

You aren't kidding. We do have similar build and goals. Are you a hard gainer, too?
Thanks for the advice on the goals. But I thought recomp was maintaining same bodyweight while cutting BF. I'm going to grow on this cycle, plus lose BF, so I thought that would be desribed best as a clean bulk. However, I might be wrong. Any additional advice in that regard would be much appreciated.

SuperMax's picture

That has been the controversy on this thread. To my understanding adding muscle & losing fat is a recomp regardless to change in body weight. & no it's not hard for me to gain. I'm 100% meso. I bulked up to 275lbs last winter, only adding around 2-3%bf.

Older School's picture

Well, shoot. Now I don't know what to call it.
Thumb up for letting me know.

JustAMate's picture

Good luck, Mate.

Looking forward to seeing what your crafting skills will reveal +1

Older School's picture

Any advice from you along the way would be much appreciated, Mate. Thanks for dropping in here.

JustAMate's picture

ALWAYS here to help you, Mate.


Older School's picture

Oh, man. They banned Benny. I was just starting to like the guy.

DBG's picture

Yea but you "damn sexy"??!!? Wow, alright then brother ;-) lol

Older School's picture

I think I am going to change my handle to "Damn Sexy."

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