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+ 13 Kicking ass during PCT and the off time.


PCT and off time is kind of a bitch. Most of us have been there and we know how bad it sucks to go from Superman's horny cousin to Lex Luthors pussy sidekick Otis. This can be disheartening for anyone.
I hate the off time as much as the next guy, but I’m a firm believer that PCT and time off are critical elements of successful juicing.
I’ve probably made every possible mistake when it comes to pct and the off cycle but I’ve also had some incredible successes on my off cycle. So let me share a few things that have made all the difference with me:

  1. Find a nice pct protocol and use the best compounds possible. This in my opinion is one of the most critical steps. Buy good gear for pct. This site gives you the heads up on who is selling pharma or good ugl, but don’t cut corners when it comes to this. I have used shitty clomid, nolva, and aromasin, and it’s not worth the hassle. Find out what is good and go with it. When in doubt run pharma. If you run PCT and don’t see the nuts bouncing back, it’s probably safe to assume that you have either ran too long of a cycle like a dumbass or you have shitty pct gear. In the event of either, it has helped for me to give it a week and start pct over with different gear, or extend my pct by a couple of weeks. You’ll have to make that judgement.

  2. Keep your off time to (Time on + PCT) =(Time off and then some). I know this is a pain in the ass, and it is very tempting to jump back on cycle as soon as you start feeling good again, and as soon as your blood tests show a normal level of test, but there are other factors that have to balance out. You are taking this time off to save your nuts right? So save your nuts! Give them the time off they need. If you reach the time needed and you still don’t feel right run another round of PCT. I know that sucks but being full time trt sucks even worse. Don’t fall into the trap of not giving your body enough rest, and kids, please don’t fall into the trap of deciding to go full time trt if you don’t have to. We have all considered it, but this just brings more difficulty in the long run. Ever consider going to Jail with non-working balls? Think about that fellas. Smile

  3. Adjust your caloric intake. Once you go off cycle, your caloric baseline drops, your body cannot handle the calories that you are taking in, and unless you step shit up in the gym you are going to need to adjust your intake to avoid turning into a fatass. If you don’t know how to establish a caloric base like check out this.

  4. Finally, (this is the most important step of all in my opinion). You need to realize that you can still kick ass without steroids. You can still make gains and you can still get stronger. That’s right; you don’t need to take two steps forward and two steps back. You CAN take two steps forward with the juice and take another step forward on the off time. It’s so easy to fall into the mental trap of believing that without the juice you are nothing. That’s BULLSHIT, and that’s how a PUSSY thinks. That’s not how we do things around here. Get back in and kick some ass in the gym. Hit that shit hard! Use your body to tell your nuts: "Uh, hey guys we need a little testosterone up here!" The nuts will listen!
    Eat awesome, eat smart, keep the gains and try for more until next cycle. If things aren’t working , make adjustments and try something different. Be driven and determined to start your next cycle just as big if not bigger than you were when you ended your last cycle. This is how you win kids, and that is what we do.

You can’t control the wind, but you can control the sails. You adjust, and you keep moving forward.

All my love, No Homo

guitarplayer1's picture

All is good about this Ed especially #4 but I'd like to discuss # 3

I agree that you need to drop your calories if you are coming off a bulking cycle, but if your coming off a cutting cycle then my experience is to slowly increase your calories while on PCT.

EX: You finish your cut and your down to 8% BF 200lbs and consuming 3000 kals and your cycle is winding down. Now the last thing I would want to do is drop my kals anymore because I am coming off, infact I want to start raising it say 250-300 a week till I reach maintenance (4000) on cycle or not,. prepping myself throughout that PCT and transition to a bulk.

I also recommend having a deload week during that transition to recharge for the upcoming bulk after a grueling restricted calorie, twice a days cutting cycle.

If you keep at that restricted calorie intake or even lower it on PCT then you are setting yourself up for a very quick weight loss and not of the kind you want. Seen it happen on others many times. Dudes get off cycle, diet goes to shit, most of their calories are junk, missed workouts, etc....and back to square one they go.

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bm765's picture

very informative, well written article.

I'm wondering, would switching to more powerlifting geared set/rep schemes be of any benefit during PCT in order to take advantage of CNS/neuromuscular patterns that perhaps weren't the main focus of the cycle in order to increase strength and size via improving neuromuscular and CNS firing efficiency? like maybe instead of doing 3 sets of 8, you could switch to 8 sets of 3 and really ingrain that motor pattern in order to become bigger and stronger? just a thought, once again very informative.

humpnpump's picture

Excellent thread ED, and I'll tell you the truth I look forward to pct, it ain't all that bad and sometimes I make quiet of a bit of gains during pct. Research chem and pharma is like night and day, pharma is well worth it. Why make all them gains and chance bunk pct. Get you some pharma nolvadex, clomid, and exemestane and run some ghrp or hgh which will help balance the HPTA and bring you into homostasis a lot faster than usual. I've did this for the last couple pcts and I swear i still felt like I was on cycle 80% of the time. I was one horny fucker, my wife a couple months down the road said I don't know what you were taking but you was one horny fucker Humpnpump. Point being it doesn't have to be all that bad, some guys just get it in their head it's gonna suck and just half ass it and get research chems that aren't dosed properly and everything snowballs down hill. But hgh or ghrps will make a big difference in bouncing back quick IMHO. And it always helps to if EDs mobile van can swing by once a week and get a nice fluff job to stimulate the nads no homo.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Hell yes gains are possible off cycle! +2 for believing!

swolen22's picture

What helps me in my time off is knowing I will be going back on soon.

shaun1's picture

Man I cant get over the welth of information on this board. Everyday I learn something new. I came here blind and inmature on the topic of juice and said shit im going to get me some and im going to do it no matter what well guss what that was stupid and I would have really done a number to my self. I knew nothing about pct diet time off nothing. Before I came to EROIDS I got took for quiet a bit frome internet sites and I was pissed I was going to get me gear and do it and I was going to get swolle no matter what. Me losing my my cash was a blessing and now im glade I did. With all that im learning now I will be able to aply it safely in the futher when I have learned more. Ive got a lot more to learn before im ready to start but im on my way. Thank you to everyone on EROIDS who help all us new guys out you never know you might just save someones life. Thanks brothers.

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Engineereddisaster's picture

Glad to hear the good attitude. Take it all in. Slow and steady wins the race bro
+2 to get you rolling. Smile

shaun1's picture

Thanks bro. Yea I got alot more to learn.

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propkick2's picture

On week 2 of pct as we speak.. Its a little harder to get up early in the morning to work out, but i haven't missed a day yet and i dont plan on it. I should adjust my caloric intake but i like to eat and dont want to start losing weight.

ericnonaya's picture

i like how you say time on+pct = time off plus some and that its a pain in the ass. being still natty i was under the assumption that juicing was the thing that created the ass pain;) with injections and all. i think the lifting and nothing else but watching your food would be the easier time. but this is coming from a guy who has not run a cycle yet lol, me. i love the motivational winning talk throughout this post, i literally tell myself in my head when im killing it in the gym. I AM A FUCKING MACHINE!!! Keep up that winning attitude and the sky is the limit.

WINNING's picture

I usually fall off about 2 1/2 or 3 weeks after my last injection. I put on bodybuilding movies ect and try to kick up my motivation a bit. I've always been the one to maintain muscle density and sustain killer workouts after cycle. What kills me is if someone notices and says " Hey bro, you look slightly smaller", I usually reply by saying " I'm cutting up a bit." I tend to shorten the duration of my workouts, but completely increase the intensity, while dialing into diet. I do however, loose some fullness, but dont have a drastic drop in weight. It's paramount to cycle off and give your body a chance to return to homeostasis, I couldn't say this enough! Great post by the way brother.

bigpinch's picture

Great post. My PCT starts Sunday. Thank you

Minus's picture

Good stuff bro. Makes it motivating to do everything the safe way.

Green Ranger's picture

Great post Ed, motivational material here Smile +1

Pale's picture

Thanks for the pep talk, first round of clomid starts tonight. I went in tonight and I could feel my new favorite fast ester was gone from my system. I at first felt a rush of sadness but then I looked up at myself in the mirror and realized I still look great and now the battle begins to stay that way. I don't have time to be depressed about the battle ahead. I did learn from my last PCT that I cannot stay as hard on the food, but you can't cut way back either, there is a balance in there somewhere I just need to find it. +2

Engineereddisaster's picture

It will pass bro and before you know it you'll be sticking sharp things in your ass again. Smile
But until then, keep kicking ass. Smile

Pale's picture

8 days in and things are decent. It was rough for the first 5, then it just started to get better like overnight. I have lost 6-8 pounds but my muscle still looks pretty good. You all know the mind fuck it is seeing ourselves shrink a little (which seems like a lot) but I just gotta keep plugging away.

RickRock1086's picture

Nothing but porn pizza & beer during my off time(at least for a week or two)

vhman's picture

I kept reading and waiting for this article to take a turn for the comedic or macabre, but it never did. Nevertheless, I wasn't disappointed in the least. Great article. +1 I think this needs to be talked about more. It's not as sexy as gear or being on cycle, but it's vital to the well-being of everyone who takes steroids. This very well could be a stickie. Thanks.

Catalyst's picture

Great article Ed.+2

How you train off cycle is what sorts the men out from the boys.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Amen bro. Thanks!

MONK's picture

I know HGH isn't for everyone but in my experience it's a god send through pct. helps maintain gains and limit fat loss (IMO) and a great bridge. Possibly placebo but mentality seems to keep mood up.

Engineereddisaster's picture

I've heard hgh is excellent for it.

sic26's picture

I would love to try hgh can't yet do to broke fundings lol but I have tried peps and it made me feel great and helped my appetite did get fat loss but I stayed lean bcuz I had my diet in check.

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sic26's picture

Thank for writing this thread ed just finished pct on cycle now but I can always use encouraging words bcuz I had some shitty days.

Owes a Review × 1

It’s so easy to fall into the mental trap of believing that without the juice you are nothing. That’s BULLSHIT, and that’s how a PUSSY thinks.

BOOOOM................ Thats where you got your +3 from me bro......... REAL TALK Smile

Engineereddisaster's picture

Thanks bud, I know that's an attitude you've had your whole life. Because you my friend have never been a pussy a day in your life.

Pale's picture

Is that a new tag? Congrats bro. Now if they would only give you that "pro" tag. Just saying

Engineereddisaster's picture

Oh shit, I didn't even notice that. I figured it came with 700. Cool! Once they process my pro application it's on like donkey kong!

Nooch21's picture

Awesome advice some extra motivation and even made me laugh. Favoriting this for when the time comes for some extra motivation.

It’s so easy to fall into the mental trap of believing that without the juice you are nothing. That’s BULLSHIT, and that’s how a PUSSY thinks. That’s not how we do things around here

^^ need that to pop into all of our heads next time we think like that. Your the man ed

Engineereddisaster's picture

Thanks for reading. Smile

PIN_CUSHION's picture

I'm currently in PCT right now and No 4 is the hardest for sure. The motivation and drive takes a nosedive. Gotta fight through that shit. I like that last line +1

You can’t control the wind, but you can control the sails. You adjust, and you keep moving forward.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Lol, the dreaded week 4! You'll make it through it. :).