Roid Noid's picture
Roid Noid
  • 1.1k

sleep tracking


this would be good for tracking trensomnia and dose relations to sleep.

Lilbear's picture

I use a wrist band made by jawbone called up 24. It measures light/deep Sound asleep and also when you wake up and fall back asleep. It's on point it gives you exact times for each

cry_havoc's picture

Tren's half life is less than a day so it would make sense that every other day would yield greater sides than every day. There is a large gap between the peaks and the valleys. I am OK with sleep after 3 weeks as long as I am not taking Clen or an ECA stack. Once I'm on that then there is no sleep sleep unless I take an Ambien or Xanax.

TheFlash85's picture

i ran 8 week tren ace / test prop cycle in january, i was a zombie, no set sleeping times, it just happened when it did, sometimes nearly 3 days straight no sleep, then sleep all day, it was fkd! eod pinning, tren e i get good sleep, for some reason i just agree with all longs, i really want to know the exact cause of trensomnia, i have therories but no proof.

Gymjunkie01's picture

That is the main reason i cant run tren anymore is the insomnia.. it absolutly ruins my cycle ..

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Roid Noid's picture

sides are dose orientated.

Gymjunkie01's picture

I tried to adjust to as little as 50mg EOD

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Roid Noid's picture

ED would most likely cleaned that up. 35mg/d is as high as I can go before I experience sleep sides, but 50mg/EOD and I will have sleep problems.

Roid Noid's picture

If I run 4iu of growth with no steroids I wont sleep, growth gives me trensomnia sides worse then tren ever dreamed of.