kodiakGRRL's picture
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+ 20 Get it done in the KITCHEN


I see a common recurring theme over and over here. We see lots of talk about compounds and dosing. Questions about why we aren't seeing any gains or that the gains just stopping coming. We have forgotten that real lasting gains come from the kitchen. The compounds we use are tools. With out the diet in place, we are not using our tools to their fullest potential. EAT, and then EAT some more. It is the hardest part of this game, harder than working your legs (well, some of you don't, lol). Harder than busting your ass in the gym day in and day out.

Once when I was brand new to the game a very smart man said to me the secret to life is "getting it done in the kitchen." I can't express to you how true this is and the sooner you "get" it the sooner you will begin to experience the gains like never before.

MegaT883's picture

It's all about the fuel. Got to feed that furnace.

DBG's picture

Lol....everything you said is my life almost every day. On weekends when I relax... I let it slide just a lil bit, like maybe cut a meal out but you pretty much nailed it

rookiemedic2.5's picture

I couldn't agree more, 'gains are made in the kitchen'.
After 3 wks of not eating enough and very minimal working out, [a wk in Mexico, a wk of laying on the couch from a flu( probably from Mexico) and a wk studying for an exam] I feel and look so small.
On the plus side, I've saved a bunch of money on my food bill!!!!

runfastbitehard's picture

Had the same problem. Now I keep all cooked meats such as chicken, steak, hamburgers in a ziploc bag. In the morning I pull it out and place in tupperware for that day. This eliminated the plastic taste.

TheFlash85's picture

when I take steak in my Tupperware, I don't re-heat in the microwave, I just eat as is, that way it doesn't get tough, just heat everything else up, also you can try leaving the steak separate wrapped in glad wrap by itself, with a few holes poked in the wrap, so it can breathe a bit.

kodiakGRRL's picture

If that's what your panpakes look like I ll be over in the morning for a stack ;-) (yes, I wrote panpakes..lol)

White Bolt's picture

I agree that food is important in the sense that it is extremely beneficial to partake in organic whole/raw foods rather than processed bullshit.

But the philosophy of eat eat eat just ain't me. Even if I eat clean as fuck with 40/40/20 macros.. If my body gets more calories than it needs the excess will be stored as fat. It's cool for people who like that thick big hulky look, but I ain't about that life. I prefer my physique to be aesthetic and streamlined.

Owes a Review × 2
j223's picture

But the philosophy of eat eat eat just ain't me. Even if I eat clean as fuck with 40/40/20 macros.. If my body gets more calories than it needs the excess will be stored as fat.

That philosophy works for many people. Myself included. I can eat pie, ice cream, brownies, doughnuts, cake, pizza, hamburger helper, and high calorie foods with cheese and butter on everything and my body stays lean, not bulky looking. It's how I am. Genetics? Maybe. Many things affect metabolism.
Also some people have higher levels of adrenaline in their body, and many other hormones that can be higher in some individuals than others. Cortisol is a big one. Cortisol is extremely catabolic. Typically skinny people have higher cortisol levels. Everyone's body has a different chemistry.
Insulin levels, insulin sensitivity varies in individuals. Growth hormone levels also affect macronutrient breakdown, conversions, and storage. Some people have a higher amount of fatty acid metabolism, higher glycogen levels (which means they can eat more carbs and it stays as glycogen instead of being stored as fat). Some people's bodies have a higher rate of protein breakdown and often protein becomes a primary source of fuel meaning less is used for muscle building and that leaves all the carbs and fats to be unused and stored as fat.

kodiakGRRL's picture

This is about those people who use gear and think that sticking a pin in their ass is going to make them bigger. They don't fing eat. They don't eat enough to support the new muscle they are adding .. they don't understand why they stop gaining... this isn't about eating more than you need. This is about eating what you need.


X2................................. +3


DBG's picture

Most under utilized section on this forum is diet and nutrition. It seems its always been "you hunting for approval here...and karma later, then post everything you know in the cycles, compounds and pct sections" and you're a most loved well known dude (or lady)...IDK just a lil rant.
Its honestly all about the food guys and girls and where are the secrets at?!!? I have tried to share mine occasionally but I am just an average Joe dbag ;-)

Catalyst's picture

No bro, you got a lot to offer, especially in that area.

Maybe we shod start getting done fresh material in there, a bit of work in the diet section? Maybe something we could work on?

DBG's picture

Ahhh...yes...I do need to do that...WE need to do that!! I have had a hard time sittin down and getting on here lately. Mostly bullshitting around on my phone recently. My one post even needs ALOT of updating...I was reading it the other day like "was I high while writing this!!??!! Cuz its all over the road." LOL

We can def get something done...no doubt brudda :-)

PIN_CUSHION's picture

I would be interested in checking that out for sure. Diet is the one thing that's so hard to get right.

gambit's picture

Every weekend a few lbs of chicken, some rice. Make sure I got some veggies and fruit for week. mix in some cottage cheese and yogurt. Splurge on some steaks when I can and sometimes suck it up and have some fish. pack some diff nut butters, avocados, olive oil for some fats.

line up my vitamins and i make sure i have extra food at work just in case. a serving of chicken in freezer, tub of whey, some rice cakes and PB and maybe a protein bar.

diet is easy unless u dont take some time to prep and plan then its hard.

i was a victim of this myself!

DBG's picture

Good job dude!! I like it

SL's picture

It sure is the hardest part, Im just getting over food poisoning and havin hell forcing food in me

alayna's picture

Its also about the quality of the food too...ppl seem not to care much about that at all when they should bec nowadays not all food is nutritionally equal thats for sure.

Xrated's picture

I think nutrition is the hardest part. Lifting is just fun and it's the best part of my day. Bulking, I really enjoy. BC I'm Italian and i love to eat.
So, recently I started my first ever cutting diet. It consists of 60/30/10.

It has been one of the most challenging things I have ever tried. I'm a perfectionist. So, I've stuck w it to a T. This is my 5 week. I started out w maybe one ab show n lol. That's the only place my fat really is abs.
Well, I'm proud of myself BC its working and I'm slowly burning off my abdominal fat. I did my skin fold the other day and lower abs was 4. And superalic was 7.5 (sorry for spelling...superalic)
In 5 weeks I've lost 6 lbs. But, I look bigger. More definition and seperation...veins. I still have 6-7 more weeks. I can't wait to see my end result.
I spent two hours n kitchen last night preparing all my chicken, salmon and broccoli. Diet...hard work and patience is everything. Nice post +1

kodiakGRRL's picture

that's great History.. post pics if you can ..

Xrated's picture

U r gonna make me shave lol....I can do that just don't make fun of my pose or pictures skills...I'm just a small town country boy !

kodiakGRRL's picture

we don't make fun of people here .. and if anyone has the balls to do so .. well, I didn't earn the name velvet hammer for nothing ;-)

Xrated's picture

Lol...I'll take one this week for ya. Smile


WHY O WHY... are you giving all the bodybuilding secrets away?...... the simplest yet the hardest one thing that most folks just cannot grasp!... we see hundreds of them in the gyms grinding away year after fkn year and listen to their whimpering fkn excuse like.... IM A HARDGAINER! OR MY JUICE IS ALL BUNK!... OR MY FAVOURITE.......... I DONT WANNA GET TOO BIG!!

Easy way to see who is serious is the TUPPERWARE TEST!....... Them that have it are giving themselves a chance....... Them that dont may as well go play fkn golf...... LMAO!

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Hey now! Big guys can golf too, haha

HllwdBdBoy's picture

Easy way to see who is serious is the TUPPERWARE TEST!.......

Ive got two roasts (all cut up) 3lbs a of chix (baked) and 2 dozen biscuits all packed and sealed for easy access :))

(white carbs and veggies are made to order)


PLASTIC FANTASTIC BROTHER!... lol... its the only way to do it without missing timed meals (perfect macro balance and cals)... without jumping into fast food joints and eating shit just for the sake of it.

I saw your MICROWAVE comment the other day and i have to add i hammer mine bro,, i dont give a fk about having griddle lines on my meats, as long as its cooked its going down the hatch lol.... super speedy way of night prepping both meats and veggies.

Body men (and women) have to willing and able to cook... its as simple as that!... or they are DOOMED!

TheFlash85's picture

I always have my slow cooker on preety much 24hours, I have thet much Tupperware it not even funny, the only pain in the ass I get with it is losing the lids lmao, must have 30 containers with ten lids lol drives the misses mad, I find crock pot food easy and healthy lately, you can always mix it up, so say minced meat one day with vegetables and rice, then with the leftovers ill mix in tomatoes and have it with pasta the next, you can put anything you like in chicken, beef, diced steak mince, pork anything, I always chock it up with every vegetable, loving broccoli and zuchinni lately, and its also very cost effective!! and easy to put in tubs.

Pale's picture

This coming cycle I am going to do it tupperware style. It is the only way I will be able to keep focused on my business as well as my diet. I am going to be a chicken grillin' fool!

j223's picture

Love this post it's so true!! Diet is the most difficult part of building muscle but it really is crucial. The saying the more wood you put in the fire the bigger the fire burns that's how I like to think when it comes to eating.

SL's picture

True that J

zeus414's picture

hi grrl post a sample bulk diet

shawn0712's picture

Great post. The past few years have really improved my culinary skills too. I know 5,000 ways to make chicken, about 50 for salmon, and tuna goes with almost everything. One day I'm either going to make some girl really happy, or obese.

kodiakGRRL's picture

maybe both? lol

shawn0712's picture

Just enough so that they can't run away. Lol

kodiakGRRL's picture


OmNom's picture

pasta grrrl... pasta

kodiakGRRL's picture

lmao... you know how I feel about pasta ;-)

OmNom's picture

Hey it IS bulking season =p

kodiakGRRL's picture

actually .. I am backwards.. I run my bulkers in the summer .. its eq/sust/prop/var and slin the last four weeks for me ... I always run deca or npp for my bulkers and I can't wear shoes running either of those compounds so I save it for the summer so I can wear sandals

j223's picture

woot grrl running slin that's whats up! lol with your diet you should see some nice gains

OmNom's picture

Ahh I'd hate bulking in the summer.. eating that much food especially high carbs makes me sweat and I already sweat enough from the summer heat.. I'd look like I just jumped out of a pool with clothes on LOL

Catalyst's picture

I tell people this all the time, sometimes it registers but I'm convinced most of the time it's not taken on board.

Good post Grrl, +2

kodiakGRRL's picture

In one ear and out the other sometimes.. same thing can be said for rest ..

Darktide's picture

This is the truth in three days I can morph my build, strength levels and endurance more by diet than any other substance. Of course this being the hardest aspect of the lifestyle also makes the most sense on why it yields the greatest results.

kodiakGRRL's picture

nothing worth having is ever easy to get ..