Big_Al's picture
  • 12

+ 2 muscle gurus is eroids?


is the new source/forum ==muscle gurus ==another one from eroids?

growingman's picture

no competition. eroids all the way.

HllwdBdBoy's picture

well its someplace for the banned members to go LOL

Coconut's picture

Muscle gurus is a wannabe review site!! I checked it out looks like a cheap version of eroids. And the sad part is I've seen sources adding vote for us at muscle gurus to there web pages!!! There is only one place to vote and review and that's mother fuckin eroids!!

manbearpig's picture

wow its disappointing how low people have to stoop...

MarineBodyBuilder's picture

Take a look at their sources. I haven't been in the ordering online segment of this for long but many of those names, and any that start with; or have "cheap" in them generally makes me run, not walk away. If they were worth using, they would already be here

Let's see...come here and get hundreds of reviews from a community that has enough members to police most fraud; or go to that place, which could have nothing but bogus reviews and is too new to protect its people

Sort of a no brainer, in my opinion. This type of community draws its strength in experience, age of the site and number of members. There are too many established sources here and only the most naive buyer is going to send his cash off to some unreviewed yahoo and pray it wasn't a straight donation. And they'd only scam the one before the community pasted them

MarineBodyBuilder's picture

You gotta love those who have so little imagination that they even copy names!

I somehow doubt their long term success. When something is free, there aren't too many people who will choose a cheap copy over the name brand. The funny thing, with me finding this gold mine, is another forum was bashing eroids; claiming the owners owned/coddled, whatevered, the top sources. While I now know that to be bogus, at the time, my thought was "who gives a rat's ass, if they're legit!". Having never ordered these products online, I was extremely nervous as to being jacked or worse; putting something in my body that could be anything. That forum, and their holier than thou attitude, led me here and when I chose a source, I was 100% confident I would receive the order and it would be exactly what the source purported it to be. A new site will not have the reputation nor the reviews to provide that assurance, regardless of their attempt to gain it by deception

Gargoyle's picture

Holy balls! That couldn't be more obvious.

BFG's picture

It's a complete eroids ripoff, even some of the usernames.
Author(s) started off by stealing content and ideas, who knows what their motivation is...

ReadyToKillIt's picture

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Looks like these ass clowns think they found a way to make a quick buck. So now they decided to rip off your hard work because lets face it, this is the best site out there. I just hope people don't jump to the conclusion that you're affiliated.

Gargoyle's picture

That really sucks but I guess in a way you can take that as a compliment. Someone obviously thought enough of your board to try and replicate it.