indabasement's picture
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Advice and input please

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Just wanted to ask for some advice and input on current diet. A week and a half on, scale is not moving yet which usually doesn't for me much. But clothes are getting noticeably looser. I am 5'10" 223 lbs and probably sitting at 20-25% BF according to input from another member on a picture I posted yesterday. Please take a look and provide any thoughts. It is much appreciated.

7am - oatmeal - cal - 320 protein - 4g carbs - 32g
9am - protein shake - cal - 340 - protein - 60g carbs - 14g
11am - chicken breast - cal 110 protein - 23 - carbs-0
1pm - 3 pcs tilapia - cal-330 protein-69g carbs - 0
3pm - protein shake - cal-340 protein-60g carbs- 14g
6pm - chicken/beef/fish -average -cal 150 protein-25g carbs-0
also 1 cup steamed veggies or salad with lettuce,tomato,cukes
Post workout - protein shake- cal-340 protein-60 carbs -14g

Avg 2000 calories, carbs 75g, protein - 300g - fats @40g
Also drinking 1 gallon+ water per day

kodiakGRRL's picture

are you on cycle?

indabasement's picture

hey grrrl, yes I am right now. Couple weeks in on 500mg sust 10 wks and 60mg tbol for first 6 weeks. I must say I think I am on the right track. My clothes are getting much looser and I can see my midsection melting away and more definition everywhere. The scale has not moved however. With carbs so low I have noticed my strength is not increasing like when usually on cycle and it has decreased maybe a little. But I like what I am seeing so far and the results are keeping me motivated despite the cravings for bad food sometimes. I am allowing myself one cheat day per week usually on the weekend. I have seen quite a bit of anecdotal evidence, most recently from something phil wrote saying you need tha one bad day for your body to almost re-set and start the fat burning all over.

kodiakGRRL's picture

I would stay off the scale .. its a number that really doesn't tell you much except the relationship between you and the earths gravitational pull.... clothing and mirror are the best indicators of what is going on as well strength ..... however, strength is not the be all and end all of body building when really the most important peice is getting a good pump and blood flow to the muscle. Be very careful of the cheat days as that is what is spurring your cravings... I recently had a blow out weekend and at all sorts of carbs and cake and stuff.. it was ... it was delicious but the last few days have been hell becuase now I am craving sugar and had there been access to cake I would have eaten all the frosting ;-(

RaW InStiNcTz's picture


indabasement's picture

Ha! Can't have the cake and eat it too! I am not really big into sweets so for me the cheating is more a big old plate of buffalo wings or a big dirty burger. Or my ultimate weakness pizza. Of course that could drive the carb cravings. I hear you on the scale part, really means nothing. And at my age you are right. I would rather look like I can bench a ton and curl 80 lb dumbbells than actually do it. I really back off the weight and do everything slow and controlled. Tell ya, with the tbol which I have never used my pumps are starting to get a little painful. Thanks for your input! Funny story, I do hear you on the cake frosting. When I was a kid my mom would go to make a cake and I would hear "What the hell happened to the frosting!!!" I would have to confess to eating the whole can in the middle of the night! Not good when you have a little chubby gene going on.

kodiakGRRL's picture

I m really not a cake grrrrl either.. same with brownies I d rather eat the batter...frosting though..mmm.... I have a can of it in the cupboard that I stare at occassionally but feel really guilty about eating .. so I move it around from shelf to shelf.. I LOVE pizza lol.. and Chips with sourcream ... those are my two big weaknesses..

waltr's picture

are you trying to lose weight?

i'm assuming yes, so from my experience i can tell you this:

i went on a full keto diet for 2 months one year and lost a shit load of bodyfat, got down to the leanest i have ever been and weighed 167, that was 20g carbs MAX daily and about 500-600 calories below maintenance. I did lose some strength doing this, i wasn't using any gear back then or anything so i can't speak as to how it would effect the process. keto relies on high level of fat in your diet to be used as energy because you have so few carbs and it took me a few weeks to feel normal when i cut all the carbs out, but my body did adjust.

the whole process made me lose weight VERY rapidly

nobody seemed to be replying so i figured i would share my limited experience with dieting =/

as for running gear with diet, i'm doing my first cycle and i'm eating 3800-4000 calories right now (beast suggested 3500-5000) and i'm losing bodyfat with my total weight increasing. I really don't do any cardio, i lift 6 days a week with 1 day being relatively low intensity. the only cardio i do is sometimes i'll walk on a treadmill at a 15% incline for 10 minutes at 2.6mph.

which is actually fucking harder than it sounds =(