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Prolactin shut down during PCT and post cycle.

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I've seen alot of treads during my 1 yr stint on eroids about shut down, low libido, low test levels post cycle and PCT due to people running 19 nors like deca, npp, and tren.
99 % of the time the shut down, low libido, low test, and your LH and FSH not recovering is related to not keeping prolatin down during PCT. This is more common with Deca & NPP than with tren, that I've found. Reasoning is people stop the prami, caber, bromo when done with their cycle, and Deca and NPP elevated prolatin levels tend to linger around for a few weeks during PCT. And if you still have elevated prolatin during PCT then your PCT isn't gonna work so well because prolatin will still be shuting you down and interupting the negative feedback loop that reboots your LH, FSH, and test levels back to normal. So when you run a Deca, NPP, or Tren cycle be aware that you may need to run your caber, prami, bromo several weeks into PCT to still keep polactin down so that recovery can take place durng PCT. I've ran Deca, NPP, Tren and after each cycle I used caber a couple weeks into PCT and have not run into shut down from prolactin during PCT or post cycle, recovery has always been short and sweet. Just wanted to throw this out there for guys venturing into the 19 nor relm.

klaydo68's picture

I keep caber on hand but ive honestly never had prolactin issues im running a g of tren atm and im fine wiyh just an a.i. I guess im just lucky

humpnpump's picture

Yeah your one of the few lucky guys. Everyone is going to have different reactions to specific steroids. Always best to have it on hand, for just in case situations.

j223's picture

Good stuff. I can't count how many times I seen people posting about being shutdown after a perfect pct. Every time they post their cycle they never have caber or prami....

I ran my prami all cycle during pct and a month after pct just to be safe

humpnpump's picture

Exactly why I posted this, I've seen it quite alot also. Thanks for your input J223

Catalyst's picture

Good post, something that I often get asked is how long to continue caber etc. I tend to do the same as you, continue into pct and often keep a low dose until I complete pct personally.

humpnpump's picture

Thats great, how did you come about this. Did you read an article, did a vet give you some advice, or you just test the theory out on your on. I basically just figured it out myself by testing it out during PCT, because I couldn't find any info on it, other than in the back of my head that 19 nors stay in your system longer than other steriods and I was paranoid about shut down and recovery. It really makes alot of difference during PCT, this one little thing can throw your whole PCT off, better to be safe than sorry.

Catalyst's picture

Pretty similar to you, seemed common sense in my early days of using deca but was never something anyone really knew the answer to in the pre internet days!

i work in science and it just seemed logical that If 19nor stays in your system that long, you need to protect against prolactin past cycle end.

snuka2012's picture

Good thing to keep in mind. It seems with continuing caber, prami, bromo...a prolactin test ought to be done along with checking test, e2, FSH, and LH levels when doing 19nor.

humpnpump's picture

True, I meant to actually put that in there and totally forgot.

XvBeast's picture

vitamin b6 and vitex as well is good