bigworm89's picture
  • 16

9 days on GG's Sust600


dosing is at 900mg a week. Fullness is definitely increased, can't wait to to start Nandrotest @ 1800 a week with 50mg liquid dbol a day. Its gonna be a anabolic winter for sure.

muscles_19's picture

Ya I haven't heard of liquuid dbol how u come across that

bigworm89's picture

True that. I have ordered through 2 times and i havent even come close to being let down.

muscles_19's picture

damn how u like the liquid dbol how much u gain?

bigworm89's picture

I dont start it for another 4 days

bigworm89's picture

Thats my only problem. I got some massive triceps, but my biceps lag. I cant get over the 18 1/2' mark.

shrapnel's picture

maybe you are overtraining the?. common bicep mistake..

bigworm89's picture

Well i train them once a week with back. I do 3 sets of DB curls, 3 sets of hammer curls, 3 sets of reverse grip curls, and 3 sets of bicep curls. Maybe 12 sets is to much. But ive always heard you can't overtrain if you eat enough (Jay Cutler quote) and i am eatin around 900g carbs a day with around 250g protein. I am getting some major stretch marks on my biceps, i guess they are just slow growers. They do have some great roundness and shape to them though.

bigworm89's picture

Sounds like a plan bro. I am huge on resting muscles. So this shouldn't be a problem. Thanks GG.

NYMoto1's picture

Ya can not quote Cutler as he is a genetic freak on massive drugs. A 17" vascular cut arm WILL always look bigger that a Bloated 19". Diet is 70% of this thing that we do. Most people who view my photo's have me at 230 when I am 182-185, it is all about conditioning, ya look good.

bigworm89's picture

Well cutler is a very educated man. As i am not a fan of his physique, i am a fan of his dedication. But yeah, i agree with diet 100%.

shrapnel's picture

Lol thats a lot of carbs! id up protein a bit though... more like 300-350 imo. I do 9 sets for my bis. Im personally not a fan of training bis on back day or tris on chest day.

bigworm89's picture

Lol i have always been criticized for my protein intake. Up until 9 days ago, i was only getting in around 160g a day. I have read so much into protein intake and i have come to the conclusion that the only time i should up it is when i am juicing due to the Nitrogen storage. But i am steadily upping the protein (and carbs) from where they are now.

bigworm89's picture

Thanks bud, Im right at 5'11.

bigworm89's picture

Thats my only problem. I got some massive triceps, but my biceps lag. I cant get over the 18 1/2' mark.

Engineereddisaster's picture

PM TRead-m and ask him about his suicide sets. He pointed me in that direction and it has helped me a lot. My bi's were stuck too. Kind of the same problem. It has seemed to take me past that wall.

bigworm89's picture

Im definitely gonna give that a try, thanks for the advice bud.

bigworm89's picture

Thanks guys. I decided to start the sust first just to get the test in my system, in 6 days, i will be running GG's Nandrotest 600 and Dbol. I have already been getting compliments within the last week. vascularity has even improved already. Smile I am a happy mother fucker.

shrapnel's picture

Looking swole dude!

bigworm89's picture

Oh and by the way, i jumped from 226 to 230 within these last 9 days