Flackey's picture
  • 19



176.5 dry weight / lower 11% bf
I was actually able to go up 1.5 pounds, than what my average was to the previous week. In week 13 I dramaticlly increased my protein intake by reducing powdered servings to replace with tuna. 3-5 4oz cans a day, stacked on top of my regular meals with other meats.

These pics were taken earlier today (rest day) and they are just "flex/pose shots" without any real worthwhile pump. You know the kind you get 30 minutes into your workout with your skin feeling tightly stretched over muscle, and the most insignificant squeezes show through as a killer pump. yeah, maybe I should of waited but blah, this will sufice.

I hope that from weeks 15 and up I can get my hands on a real high mega pixel camera, because I need better resolution now. My vascularity is really begaining to shine though now, and it is awsome now when I get my pump on. my chest veins pop out, shoulders, and into my traps. Im going to have an awsome most muscular shot real soon I hope.

My new favorite body part has become the shoulders, they're just always pumped no matter what i'm working on. and they help me look really great in a shirt now, LOL.

kmart7780's picture

you have to be atleast 10% to have visible abs I was at the same condition in high school when i played a bunch of sports at 170 and mine was 7%

chipotle's picture

talk about an 8 pack!
how old are you man?

Flackey's picture

31 hope to compete in something by 33

My legs are proportioned but I have a hell of time building serations into them.

Might finally get leg pics soon. Nothing super awsome but just to show I don't have skinny legs.

Flackey's picture

So fully motivated and excited to find out my bf% status at the gym this morning. I approach the front desk, and the attendant informs me the machine is broken. I look at her a bit puzzled and ask "machine?" She than says "yes, you stand on it and it gives you a reading" "you don't have a calliper test" I asked. "No"

Damn it i'm just going to order one online, they're super cheap and precise ( Accucheck ) they even have a digital calliper. that's what I want.

Mekanik's picture

nice work man' I think you are lower than 11% - for sure...
I used to be real into checking it when I was younger and you look lower than 9% at least...to me anyway

Flackey's picture

I do lack of a descent tan and my skin appears to light in most well lit conditions, so for this particulary week I actually placed a light source above my head, in order to show the actual contours, and forms. like the way one would light up a stage.

Many folks take pics in the bathroom and I have tons of thoes too, but the light is normally directly in front of you above the mirror and it does no justice for your hard work. because it lights up your chest evenly. and the other mistake is lighting in the background.

I took another group of shots with the same light above, and with the flourecents on in the garage (snap shot area). and the entire body is lit up but still looks amazing because the overhead light is still displaying contours. Thoes pics are a bit more personal as my head is up completely.

Sorry if I rambled a bit, but my life is just revoloving around this so much with family still first.

pressure's picture

i was eating tuna daily as well but was told its only good for once a week due to the mercury levels in it...

w94's picture

what did u cycle

Flackey's picture

However all Lixus products. Tren, prop, enan, cyp, dbol, nolva, and clomid for pct

other stuff on the side, proviron, hcg.

Flackey's picture

i'm at work right now and my computer here has many restriction for opening up particular types of pages.

Click on my profile, look in forum postings under acne supression.

However, in the forum section, unther the category "general Talk" and title "acne supression/prevention" I probably have the most detailed laid out to date.

or i'll just copy paste when I get to my own comp.

drew3268's picture

Dude is that an 8 pack?! Out-fucking-standing!

Flackey's picture

Lol, it's typically more of a 6 but when we stretch our arms over our head you get two more to come out and visit the rest of the family that always seem to tuck themselves away pushed up right under the pecks, directly below the sternum,

I'm still in a hard battle in the lower oblique area, and lower abs. still tons of room left to tighten up, and my current goal for the mid is to seperate my abdominal areal completely away from my obliques. this is going to be a BF% issue, but i'm trying a few more things to try to actually grown them out a bit to intensify the effect.

In the end I still have a long way to go. I have about 3-4 active weeks left before going into pct

drew3268's picture

Good information. You definitely got your shit wired. That's just straight up discipline and hard work coupled with knowledge. We get alot of opinions on here but you are definitely walking the walk. Again, great job and thanks for sharing.

Flackey's picture

I always this this hand held digital tester from the company Omron. You set your stats, grasp the handles, hold it straight out, (with no pump) these tiny little micro shocks are sent through your arms (not felt) and give you a reading. However they're also know to bit inaccurate give or take 2 points, but i've always used it as general refference.
They're really also preprogrammed for a particular standard body type. I know of a lot of lean and stout power lifter types that are just thick, but NOT fat. and it will give them the most whacked out readings every time.