Flackey's picture
  • 19

Week 13


Been able to stay over 175 while continuing to drop body fat. it's getting a bit hard though but I think I figured some things out about the way my body reacts to food, rest, and exercise. So I might be able to hit this 9% bf (if I haven't already) the device I use can be misleading and very skeptical. It's the digital Omron device that you hold on both ends, sends a little tiny zap through you (not felt) and give you a reading.

I've actually truly trimmed down even more to this day, as I am 7 days away from thoes pics, My entire routine was re-evaluated so that I could put more focus into my triceps and biceps, and FOREARMS! I hate mine.

In the mid section I've gone from most of the popular simple routines, and have set a new vast array of exercises that all place major emhasis on trunk work.(twist,bends) I noticed that my obliques are begining to seperate from my abdominal area and form their own little side walls. So i'm going to try to bulk them a tiny bit in a attemp to exaderate the effect. (I know that the fat loss itself would pop them out).

Im only running at cypionate now with only one pin per week, at about 450 and tapering down until week 16. I'm still riding on a bit of proviron 50mg daily as well.

I DO HAVE AWSOME LEGS! But they are hairy, and I refuse to shave them, or show them. My hardest most gruling workouts are leg days 2x a week. I'm also not taking underwear pic shots, or even wearing thoes speedo biker things. LOL

UPdate again later. Sorry I don't have the pics on the acne break out yet. but in the back pose you can actually see them starting to come out. I have at a bit more than that now :( This was all LIXUS product UKSS

Skuzzlebud's picture

Well Done !!

DR. House's picture

sounds like your at my mom and dads house. lol when your starving for some carbs it can be hard to stick to your diet with crap like that laying around.

Mekanik's picture

nice work bud!

DR. House's picture

if you get tired of the barbecue sauce in your tuna try some sweet relish and celery chunks mixed up by its self no bread. I know what you mean about the protein powder. it doesn't hold me over very long. egg whites make a great snack without alot of fat.

Flackey's picture

I'm at the inlaws house right now, and all alone. I brought my two cans of tuna, because I just got here straight from my secondary gym. so i'm looking through their elaborately stocked up fridge, and I snatched up some:

Lemmon Hummus Vinegrette (fresh & easy)1 Tblsp
Tostitos Spinach Dip 1 tblsp
Mayo. 1 tsp

Mixed it all up with 8oz of tuna, and still with my Tapatio hot sauce on the side, and crackers.

Freakin awsome!!!!!!!!! these people have half a box of dunkin donuts (I looked inside) cans of pringles, frosted covered snowflake pretzels, mexican cookies, and this is just what's on the counter. Hell I got my oatmeal but this house is awful. LOL

Flackey's picture

I was able to stablize my weight, while dropping fat by reducing my protein powder and increasing my lean meat intake (tuna) 12-16oz per day along with all the other regular lean clean diet wholesome meals, with other meats, and types of proteins.

I discovered this because I was burning to quickly through powder to reach my protein goal per day. I was at Smith's (groccery Store) and calculated that their 20g per can was cheaper than a single scoop of protein. So I purchased 2 dozen cans and that same week my weight stopped dropping. I can take one entire 4oz can, add 1 tbsp of bbq sauce to it and put 3/4 of it in one slice of whole wheat breat. Thats my instant bbq tuna snack. Several other things I do with it, but I try not to eat it straight. Blah!

Flackey's picture

My last cycle sucked, it had a lot of pathetic exercises. This time around I restricted myself to nothing but free weight big compound movements. And learned to say NO to isolation machines. I still use them but very, very limited. 85% compound/15% Isolation in my opinion.
Also taught myself to stop overtraining. going up to 2 hours and doing like 8 different back exercises in one session does not work for me.
I super set now. 4 big back exercises superseted with 4 big chest exercises, 4 working sets per exercise, and out the door. I call it the "Four Four for Four and out the fucking door" plan 70 to 80 minute routine

Jgb2417's picture

anyway you could pm me your routine? would love to see what that looks like. looking to really switch things up come spring maybe begining of the year.

Jgb2417's picture

Or not thats cool too

DR. House's picture

the hard work is paying off! ya gotta like that

Flackey's picture

and the Vitamin Shoppe store in my area is taking all my hard earned cash on protein. LOL.

So long that I've been going to this place when i'm not patient enough to order online, and I end up paying jacked up prices, and just the other week I just found out that I can ask them to give me the enternet price, and they have to honor it when requested. DOH!!

HllwdBdBoy's picture

NIIIICE! I just can't seem to get there... i just always look like a "brawler" LOL

Flackey's picture

It wasn't until I took the diet seriously that definition began to set in. In my last cycle I was just bulky even with cutting agents. Had to learn to say no to the Las Vegas Buffetts.
Also to note the gyms in Vegas are insanely packed with tons of hotass sexy chicks throughout the ENTIRE day. One day I began to take a count durring a peak hour, and within a 90 minute workout session I estimated just over 100 beautiful babes. It's Vegas, Coctail waitresses and dancers need to keep their shape, and keep me motivated. LOL

livingthedream's picture

good job

Animalchin's picture

Quality pic well done.

Liquid Steel's picture

hey bro lookin ripped!! keep it up!