Dazzamma66's picture
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Need some advice/guidance re gauge size etc...


Hello all,

It has been 13yrs since I last injected. I used to use greens, blues, and orange pins when injecting. I mainly hit the glutes (with green/blues) but when injecting my chest, biceps and delts I used orange. These where also oil based and took too f*cking long to get into the muscle! (Pushing the syringe and getting my substance in the muscle groups felt like forever).

My problem is that I need to attain some pins, but when looking on websites I am now lost and have no idea which size to order i.e. gauge and length 2ml 3ml 5ml? I'm at a loss.

I have another question for you good people out there. I understand that oil based injections are better in the glutes, however I would like to try the quads, but I'm nervous re hitting a nerve etc (what pin re quads?).

Last question (for now) - When injecting do I have do draw up first to see blood enter the syringe? When looking at my old notes this was because if no blood showed up in the syringe it would mean I had hit a blood vessel. I unfortunately did this on one occasion and I thought I was going to die...Honest lol. I could not move never mind walk. (I ask this because there might be new methods out there?)

Any advice would be more than welcome.

Thanking you in anticipation.

LG's picture

Use green 21g 1 1/2" to draw and blue 23g 1 1/4" to inject and go for the gluteus medius. Big upside down triangle on your site between your hip bone and the top parts of the femur.No major blood vessels or nerves and easy to reach.
You cannot miss it or go wrong with that.
Choose 2x bigger syringe than the amount you wanna inject. ( 1 ml gear needs a 2 ml syringe )
Before injection, you have to aspirate - pull back the plunger.If there is blood in it you have to discard it and look for another site.

Dazzamma66's picture

Thanks LG, I will take a look at the links you provided. Thanks for the advice too.

Ludwig's picture

I would have clicked on "helpful" but my karma tells me I'm not worthy. I'm gonna print that one out though...much better than trial and error!! Nothing worse than being stuck with a box of 100 that hurt like a bitch

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Dazzamma66's picture

Thank you Mad Matt! You are a star for this kind of advice and very much appreciated.

Cheers!! :-)