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+ 1 How psychedelics saved my life.

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Crazy story…

So I got hooked on oxy back in 2008. By 2010 it had started to take over my life. In 2012 I got a massive Rx from a shady doctor in NYC (Tesher.. look him up, he died in prison). After that everything went downhill fast. I was doing 15-20 30mg oxy’s a day.

Around 2013-14 I knew I had to find a way off of them. For the next 3-4 years I tried everything (except rehab). I tried suboxone. Didn’t help at all. I tried methadone. Same shit. Then I tried Vivitrol. I’d literally just count the days till it was out of my system so I could get high again. Just couldn’t kick this shit.

Then a bunch of my friends started dying from fentanyl in all the fake pills going around. I’ve lost 32 so far.

Cut to March 13, 2017… On this occasion I wasn’t doing psychedelics to try and get sober. I was partying with a friend of mine. He’s one of those guys that can consume massive amounts of anything and still function and loves to push other people to do more. Anyway we had an ounce of mushrooms and he decides we should eat the whole thing. So being an idiot I’m like alright let’s do it. So we eat 14 grams each.

Now I’m pretty experienced with psychedelics. I’ve experimented with all of them countless times since I was a teenager. But this was def the biggest dose I’d ever taken. Anyway… shit was terrifying. I was 100% certain I was dying. Watched my soul coming out of my chest. I was so sure that I had a heart attack, that by the time I was sober enough to drive I went straight to the ER and got an EKG done.

To my surprise I had indeed not had a heart attack. But what did happen was I lost all desire to ever do an opiate again. Sounds like bullshit, but I’m not lying. That morning I just had this feeling like “wow I can’t believe I was ever addicted to them”. In 4 days it will be 7 years clean. Well.. clean from opiates. I still party like I did before opiates, but I have no addiction issues anymore. Occasionally drink, smoke, the rare blast on a night out. Etc. but the important thing is that I have not had a single urge to do an opiate since that night. I’ve even had surgery since then. A hemorrhoidectomy (caused by my opiate addiction). Def not fun. One of the most painful surgeries you can get. Refused to take any pain killers. And I’m about to have surgery on a torn rotator (also not going to be fun), but I’ve already told the doctors I won’t take them.

I’m not some big psychedelic advocate. I don’t know the mechanisms this changed in me. It’s been 7 years and I’m still blown away by how it worked. But I will say if you’re dealing with opiate addiction, I’d give it a try. Fuck microdosing. I had actually tried that. Didn’t help with my addiction. Go for that fat macro dose. I’m fairly certain you can’t die from psychedelics. But do enough to think you’re dying lol

Worked for me --‍♂️

AUTO51's picture

Great story. Thanks for sharing. Congratulations on your Recovery.
So sorry for your losses=32 people. I lost 30 friends in the AIDS crisis, very few this century. I mourn with you. Our streets, in my hometown, are flooded with fentanyl and some new really toxic stuff. Our City Hall is complicit with drug cartels. We make USA national news regularly for the random violence here. The worst thing I think courts have done is teach people they can do whatever they want, like murder and rape, without consequences. The power of cartels is getting stronger. You can feel drugs power growing in the media and the legislature too.
I am sure you can buy psychedelics in our dispensary that seem to be everywhere and make the cartels richer and more powerful at the same time. thanks