Johncream1's picture
  • 44

+ 1 Pharmatest 100 water base


Taken 6 hrs after an 80mg injection. Estradiol through the roof. lol (don’t worry I have an AI)

Other product being ran is test cyp at 160mg injected every Monday. Labs were taken on Thursday.

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Jonwiggs8's picture

I'd love to know what the real numbers were. Especially if you took them around 2 hours after the injection. They would really be HIGH!!

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bigchips27's picture

Everyone always in a hurry to lower their Estrogen. Its is not a bad thing, actually beneficial.. unless you're having negative effects from it, leave it alone.
Granted Everyone is different. Some can tolerate higher Estro levels than others. But if you feel fine, let it be.

Especially on a test base. That number is going to fluctuate rapidly. Then taking an a.i might tank your Estrogen, then you'll be worse off.

Rosschestzip's picture

Does that have crazy pip, because it’s water? I’ve only used oil base and winny was water I think and that hurt like crazy but right now I have some test suspension in water coming and I wasn’t sure if it’ll hurt like hell or not

Johncream1's picture

I don’t get any pip. A little sore the next day but that’s it. I do have to use a 21g needle tho in order to use it.

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