zorro2021's picture
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Cough after injecting


Hello everybody,
So today I got an injection of test c and equipose, I have experienced tren cough before and I hated it, I never touched that stuff again, today I felt something similar but I am just so confused, I have used equipose, test c, test e and Sustanon for years and never experienced that, only with tren.
Also this time around sometimes I don’t feel like I’m injecting testosterone, I am just not getting the benefits from it that I always get, specially when we talk about libido, I am not even gaining a lot of weight either, honestly I feel more like if I was doing tren, I get night sweats, I feel hot in general, not gaining too much weight but burning fat instead. Idk if I’m just tripping but I know my body. I posted a picture on a previous post of the test I’m using, the lab I am using is Ultima.
Hopefully someone can share something.

Rosschestzip's picture

I start sneezing not coughing, but its from hitting a vein or something, but what's weird is when I know I didn't hit a vein and it still happens, its must be like a blood vessel, or nerve or something. my whole chest and face feel like I snorted pepper. but its gone in maybe 10 minutes

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press1's picture

Its the solvents/carrier oil used buddy - Miglyol can be a real bugger for it too. I seem to remember you are using the older vials from that lab too? Not sure what carrier they used back then - if its still the MCT they use now or not.

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zorro2021's picture

Nice, next time I will double check what type of solvent they have.

zorro2021's picture

True, honestly now I feel kind sick like when you’re about to get a fever, and I still can’t take really deep breaths, it messed me up lol

press1's picture


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ONESICK's picture

I've never aspirated to check. Only because someone very close to me is a nurse and said if injecting straight into and deep enough into the muscle there is no need. You may nick a vein on the entry but from my understanding if you inject and withdraw the pin too fast some might get into the vein. I've had gear shoot out after I pulled too fast lol. Always fun to see.

press1's picture

The thing is though bud in the medical industry they aren't injecting anything that if it gets into blood will make your throat feel like its on fire and lungs feel like jumping out Lol I can't imagine they are even allowed to use guaiacol with it being toxic and nothing will be like trenbolone or acetate. I get B12 injections every 3 months and they use a blue 1.25" on that sucker - its just bang straight in all the way, plunge and back out! But if that went into a vein and deposited I doubt I would even realise.

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ONESICK's picture

I get it but even when I first started getting on gear while fighting and I got administered by a doctor he never once aspirated. Those were the more shady days of my fighting career lol. When everyone knew we were all juicing but we were hush about it lol. He would stick straight in my glute, inject hold for a few seconds than pull out (No homo) lol. I'm not saying not to but it's to each their own.

ONESICK's picture

It's still up for a debate on this. Depending on location and how close to blood vessels you may or may not choose to aspirate. Not tons of research has been done with TRT and other AAS but from the literature I've read it's not necessary to aspirate with IM injections. There is some studies done that with some children aspiration has increased pain afterwards. Not sure the studies on adults if this is a case but it's also something to consider. I don't get the cough a lot. Maybe once a year at most because I'm in a rush and don't take my time lol. I generally have no issues.

zorro2021's picture

I had to work so I took advil because I was just feeling weird, the breathing is actually back to normal now, and yes brother I do remember that, I stop doing that, when I pin my butt my wife does it for me so I told her to stop pulling back on the plunger and just to do it like that. I think I will tell her to start doing again.

zorro2021's picture

I am actually gonna do some blood work next week just to check my test levels

Drexyl's picture

I aspirate every injection I give myself or anyone else with a larger gauge than a slin syringe. People will argue there’s no need to aspirate IM injections and it’s not taught to do so anymore, but there’s also no reason to NOT aspirate. Remember, we’re not injecting a flu vaccine here, it’s oil based with sterilizing and preserving solvents. Should be common sense to protect yourself with smart injection technique.

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Greg's picture

Tren cough is a misnomer just like "military intelligence" or "woke progressive".

zorro2021's picture

Didn’t believe that but now I do lol

Pumped_'s picture

You kinda feel that alcohol or whatever it is hit your bronchioles and you know its coming

zorro2021's picture

It’s been a min since I felt that, as soon I was I pulled out the needle I feel a weird sensation in my chest, this time I didn’t taste that metallic -- I did with tren, it was more like blood taste in the back of my throat

JEX30Sex's picture

I made a post about something similar but didn't realize it at the time. It was about feeling lightheaded after pinning my right quad. Today I pinned my right pec and hit a nerve maybe 3/4 in, pulled out and repositioned the injection. I asperated and continued but halfway through the injection I got this horrible lightheaded feeling. I finished and lie down but throughout the day I had a persistent cough just like my quads but I never put 2+2 together. Fuck me my right side is an asshole! It's slightly smaller and a bitch to pin there as well. LOL.

Badgoat1's picture

Tren cough is kind of a misleading name. I've had it happen on Test and deca. Just depends on the solvent used in the brew and how close to a capillary/vein you hit. Just gotta ride it out the 2-3 minutes until you can breathe again

ONESICK's picture

You can get Tren cough from any steroid to be honest. I get it when I nick vein and some gets in the bloodstream. I've done it several times with Test E and P. It's not something that is just unique to Tren. I only ever got it if I was in a rush and not taking my time like usual.