Diesel22's picture
  • 143

+ 4 GetRoids TD pic


2 Xeno Test C 250 and DBOL

Ordered from: 
Getsteroid's picture

Enjoy friend:)

Diesel22's picture

I didnt see any security verification. They came just like the picture, no box’s.
I originally ordered this a while ago but got seized. Then asked for roidplus test c instead but my original order of Xeno came. Never tried it.

Frdmn's picture

Never tried that lab, are they any good?

Owes a Review × 3
Diesel22's picture

This will be my first time trying this lab.

smurfdude1234567's picture

Dang Diesel! You’ve been stocking uppp!!

Diesel22's picture

Lol. Making sure I have what I need to complete this cycle.