Jlaw939's picture
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+ 1 Help need advice


Ok guys so I went and paid a coach to make me a meal plan and a work out plan so this is what he gave me he made me a work out plan that works out one body part per day and 30 mins every day of cardio after workout 5 days a week and abs and calves every other day and let me just put it out there I’ve never worked really just messed around a bit here’s my meal plan

1st meal 1cup of oatmeal half a cup of egg whites and half a cup of berries

2nd meal 12 almonds 5oz chicken Breast 1cup of rice

3rd meal 5oz chicken breast 4oz of broccoli 1cup of rice

4th meal same as 3rd meal

5th meal 5oz chicken breast and 2cups of broccoli 1/2 avocado

Post workout 5gs l glutamine 1/2 scoop karbolyn 1scoop of iso weigh 100

My stats age 29 I weigh 280 40% bf

Let me no what you guys think

giardap's picture

Get rid of oatmeal for meal 1. Use that avacado instead. Why? You can program the body in the am to use fats for fuel in a better way throughout the day

30 mins of cardio a day? Meh... You should just walk to the gym instead for that. Then in the gym, do wingates for real fatloss
(P.S. slow steady fatloss leads to greater rebound/weight gain post diet... its science)

Ditch the karbolyn. You dont need it. Fast acting = very easy to store when insulin sensitivoty is in any way impaired which itnwill be for you, big insulin spikes = badnews for ppl in your current situation from a health perspective

RangerVet's picture

A few tips that might help you.
Stop eating after dinner
You need 12 hours from 6pm to 6am fasting!
5 meals look good but you cannot cheat if you feel bad,sad, lnely,anxious. Food is not for comfort. It is only to provide energy and survive.
Don't think I need to feel full to be feel happy or satisfied.
These are all new things to you. Change your mindset.
If it's greasy or sugary do not put it in your mouth.
Wish you the best! You can do this!!

Sam I Am's picture

I think it sounds solid. He’s easing you into the workouts . You should loose weight on that diet. I hope your not running any gear.

Owes a Review × 1
Jlaw939's picture

No not running any gear not yet in the future I plan to tho alright thanks guys I will follow up later and let you guys no