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Disc Protusion between L4 and L5

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Hey guys I hope amongst you all none have suffered from this, but maybe some of you might have an answer for me.

So my brother (23 yo) as communicated to me today that he has a Disc Protusion between the L4 and L5, doctors told him that is it, he cannot lift any more or even run. Is this correct ?

Poor kid is devastated and I´m trying to cheer him up but it´s hard cause I´m not in Portugal anymore.

Is there hope for him, be it drugs, phisio, operation ?

Any response will be mostly mostly appreciated.

Best Regards !

Edit : No Hernia "just" the Disc Protrusion.

irongame427's picture

I have a l4-5 annular tear and some bulging discs. Running is definitely extremely painful that's forsure. The thing with these injures is we all react differently. Someone could have the same injury as me and be bed ridden. I wear a lifting belt now in the gym, and I don't deadlift or squat anymore. That's my only restrictions. It doesn't really effect me much at all unless im standing for more then like a half hour straight, or if I'm bending in a weird position. You need to ask him how he feels. If he feels good then go at it. I would suggest laying off the exercises that I stated tho. As for surgerys. According to my doctor there's about a 30% success rate, and 70% chance you end up worse then before. They really can't do much for back problems it sucks. If he feels good then go ahead and lift. My so doctor said I could, I could even try to keep playing rugby, but the running was to painful. I had another doctor tell me I shouldn't do anything active anymore. I've had it for a few years now and it hasn't gotten any worse. Maybe even gotten better as I've gotten stronger. If he's in a lot of pain then he should take a break and maybe see a physical therapist but I don't have much faith in them. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Hawkdc's picture

To reply to both of you:

  1. Leg presses are a terrible exercise to do if you have a lower back condition. Since the sitting posture is the worst position for your body, it only makes sense that adding 100's of pounds of weight to your legs in this position will increase the pressure on your lower back.

  2. I would seriously look into a GOOD chiropractor. There is a technique called "Flexion Distraction" that they do to help discs move back into the proper position. I have had it done as well as others and it worked great! You basically lay on a table that has the leg portion move up and down. This pumping action allows the joint spaces to open up, hence allowing the disc to move back into it's proper place.

  3. Taking prescribed narcotics are just a bandaid for the overlying problem. Until this condition is fixed, you will just be covering up the issue.

j1980's picture

That's cool man thanks for the input. I was just saying what does and doesn't bother me at the moment. I totally agree with the narcotic thing. However I tried the chiropractor and all that happened was the fact that it amplified my pain. So the chiropractor is a no go for me. My doctors have said that there is no way to move the disc back into place without surgery. There is no way in hell that I am having surgery.

j1980's picture

I have the exact same thing. I had an appointment with the neurosurgeon yesterday. He didn't say I couldn't lift or run. He just said to stay away from lower back exercises. Which is fine because I haven't been able to do dead lifts or anything involving the lower back for around a year. He'll just have to work around it. I start back injections soon. Trying to keep from having to be on pain pills for the rest of my life. Operating is the last resort when it comes to this injury. My doc suggested yoga. I am on a low dose narcotic but hopefully that wont last forever only time will tell. He needs to stay away from squats as well. Bent over rows are fine if he knows how to adjust his form so he can still feel it in his lats. T-Bar rows are so so. Just depends on how bad it hurts him. Leg presses may or may not be a problem as well. They aren't for me.