Pushing Iron 87's picture
Pushing Iron 87
  • 159

+ 4 Slow and steady wins the race.


Managing to keep myself motivated through these hard times and keep stuck into my training one thing that keeps me sane. :-)

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GrowMore's picture

Unit. Looking swole bro. How bigger now?

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GrowMore's picture

Unit. Looking swole bro. How bigger now?

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Pushing Iron 87's picture

Thanks m8. Going good got bit more mass on from then I'm going to stick with adding size for bit yet then I will think about trimming off any excess weight and should be doing allright then. It's a journey and I'm always just pushing to make small but steady improvements and compete to be the best Me possible.

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Bill1976's picture

It sure does been out of the gym for broken ribs and already arguing with my wife. My fault too

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Pushing Iron 87's picture

So true m8 wife always says to me to get back in if i have any time off cause can see my whole mood change. Some time with nothing else in your mind than pushing that bit harder than your last session clears the mind. Our natural serotonin fix lol. Gym junkie need my regular fix lol.

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Pumped_'s picture

How can you stand on the wall sideways like that and still hold the dumbells? Sticky shoes? +1 keep it up!

Pushing Iron 87's picture

M8 its an advanced move learnt it off one the "Bro's" says it brings the side delts up better lol. Thanks for the +1 . Here though in all seriousness you seen the clowns doing squats on a fit ball that asking for broken neck and back. Hows things with you? Training going well?

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Pumped_'s picture

Pumping away. Already had home equipment so this covid thing didnt effect me with gyms closing and such.

Pushing Iron 87's picture

Apocalypse proof got the important items stocked up food, water , gym equip stay pumped well into Zombie appocalypse show the Zombies what going on.

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Pushing Iron 87's picture

Thanks m8. Thats what its all about. People underestimate the power of exersize weight training on mental health. Gym memberships should be prescribed by docs over alot of the meds.

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PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

I totally agree with that...got family that needs a large script of it...I know it would cure a lot of shit that’s holding too many people back from being their best!

Pushing Iron 87's picture

Yeah so many benefits aside from mental health. So much phsyical ailments can be at least greatly improved by exersize,weights and training. Then when we get into following a healthy well balanced and planned out diet the positive outcome on our entire life can be massive. Love a bit of Sexersize with the wife always puts smile on my face and counts towards the cardio for the day lol

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PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Yea that’s true, turn someone into a new man!...and that’s also my preferred cardio routine but it’s basically limited by the warden to once a month...

Pushing Iron 87's picture

Yep m8 would have better results and save them a fortune most the meds have more side effects than positive effects. But big pharma wouldnt like it loose them a lot of money. Thanks for the +1 Bud.

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PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Hell yea keep pushing bro...stay focused on them gainez!