vinnyphysique's picture
  • 25



Insane how fast this shipping was. I love sp lab. Going to give these a shot at 1cc Ed. I’d like to know if anyone has tried them as well. Thanks crazy dozer.

Ordered from: 
CRAZY DOSER's picture

Excellent choice on the manufacturer and the product.

As for SP LABS CUT, it's a mix of: MASTERON + TREN ACE + TEST P. A good solution if you are looking for these 3 compounds in 1 vial.

BTW, we have a new announcement regarding SP LABS products. You can check it on our discussion page.

robb's picture

I like a cut mix or the enanthate version of blends. I'm sure SP's version will be great, I'd like a few myself.

Btw if thats part of the packaging, as innocent as it appears it has to be removed entirely from the picture.