Zeus's picture
  • 44

SIS Gear


x2 of SIS Labs Turinabol and x2 SIS Labs Test-Cypionate
And just placed another order for one of each should receive it Saturday.
Used UV light to see hidden hologram security measures and authentication codes all verified.

Ordered from: 
robb's picture

Great lab, very much a fan of SIS. Used many of their products, even before they rebranded and were known as Infinity. Enjoy!

Zeus's picture


Zeus's picture

Would agree with Davie.
My mate used them both oils and capsules and they were s**t!

Clayton8902's picture

Mods removed the + on gear pics because promo whore and other types of individuals would do so to get in on promos then skew the reviews etc. Now karma has to be earned

Zeus's picture

Not sure

IrishWOLFhound's picture

Nice order , enjoy brother

Zeus's picture


VeilofMaya's picture

Sis lab is great and hard to fake. I'll always buy their injectables.