allaboutdemgains's picture
  • 93

+ 14 Current progress


Been all about getting as lean as possible to get the most out of my next cycle. I've lost some size overall but getting lean is my overall goal before I increase complex carbs on my next cycle to add weight, should help the compounds effectiveness all the more by having the lowest body fat percent I can get to. Keep grinding brothers !

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Pmob's picture

Looking good! +3

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allaboutdemgains's picture

Thanks brotherman, not as impressive as others but getting the body I want to see anyhow

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DeadlyCrooc's picture

Looking strong bro, keep it up! +

Coffeeandwiskey's picture

huge arms homie!

bigchips27's picture

Nice size. +1

allaboutdemgains's picture

Thanks man, I've been getting angtropin domestically while on a cruise dose of test, out side of that it's been all diet. I think the growth and cruise dose are helping me to keep a full look while I'm on low carb.

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SuperMax's picture

+2 for the great approach!! Definitely doing it right!!

allaboutdemgains's picture

Yes sir, you'd be amazed how bullshit weight guys all walking around with thinking they're jacked. Going from 260 plus to 205 precontest, just watered up garbage weight. No more of that we want solid tissue.

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12stone's picture

If you've lost size, doesn't look like much! That waist getting small too! Good job man, and good luck on your upcoming cycle.

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allaboutdemgains's picture

Thanks man I haven't lost a whole lot just some lol

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noob143's picture

Hell ya brotha! Lotta hard work I see in that pic.!

allaboutdemgains's picture

Hell yea brother all test mast and tren, with a strict diet

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steelers36's picture

arms lookin yuge bro. keep killin that shit +1

allaboutdemgains's picture

Thanks man I've worked the shit out of them lol

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