rx.daddy's picture
  • 2

Before first cycle Test E 10 wk


is this a decent base?
39y.o. 5'8" 182lbs BF% not sure

last 2 shots taken on 7/13 just 1 month after the first 2 shots
went down from 182lbs to 176lbs

rx.daddy's picture

I really appreciate your feedback, I'm gonna rethink my training & diet approach before cycling, how much %BF do u think I need to drop to be primed for a cycle?


Check out the pics in my profile bro re/practice what i preach.

I live by my words Smile

rx.daddy's picture

I totally agree with you, I'm gonna submit a cycle log including diet & training approach

starmonkey's picture

Bro, I think you have a good base. And yes, it does look like you lift. Don't let insecure people get you down. Keep working on BF cause it will make you look bigger and you'll reap greater gains on gear if you choose to go that route.

rx.daddy's picture

Thank you!, I don't even listen to trols!!!


Post your cycle up on the cycles board man.. this is all bollocks we need to sort you with a proper planned run ok.

rx.daddy's picture

thanks Viking I'm going to submit a more detailed plan in the cycle board, including diet and training, I'll appreciate your inputs

Coolcats's picture

Do you even lift?

fast48's picture

Really need your cycle experience listed. Your cycle looks odd.

rx.daddy's picture

no cycle experience this would be the first one