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The Final Three


Going to finish of my Test only cycle with these guys. I started it with Optimal TP and TE, with amazing results. Then Swithed to 2 different sources Test E during the middle of cycle with no gains. The 5 mls out of the SML were takin 1ml a week during the middle of cycle. I know for a fact that the SML saved me from catabalism. I took 500mg of the optimal last tuesday. I can already feel the difference in my libido. My unit was a halflong all day. Today Im going to pop the top off the Boccagz and dose 500mg and stay on the Boccagz at 2.5ml a week. Going to dose the Boccagz only until its gone, so I can give my review. Then finish the rest..

subs33's picture

Thanx, I know Optimal is gtg... SML is gtg. It was used the past 5 weeks as TRT, because u know who's test e did nada for me. I just got done with shower and a nice 2ml pinn of BOCCAGZ test E. It taste like thier is something mixed with the oil BB/BA...ect So, well see how CAGZ TE goes. Just curious JT, why would BD's gear taste like just plain oil. He told me he doesnt use BA/BB. What else can be used to blend the test.???

subs33's picture

Of course its my I even took a current pic today with the date. If his gear has test in it I will make my self swell up in the next 3 weeks... Im the king at changing my body size with or without gear... Im so intune with myself... Just curious does your BD TE have no taste....

subs33's picture

I bet you will the next time you pinn it,in the privacy of your home....