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AUTISM and its relation to the military, plastics, pre prepared foods , and chemicals in our water.

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So I was talking to a friend about this , his wife and him have an autistic child, he is still enlisted in the military and they have the usual diet of todays American tons of pre prepared foods , storing it all in plastic , drinks the city water , you get the point. So we got to talking about what they thought the possible causes were to why their son is autistic. They shared many of the same beliefs that I have. For one they say people who receive the slew of military vaccines have a severely higher chance of having a child with some type of disability , including autism , also over indulging in pre prepared meals already pre cooked and store in some type of plastic container that you toss in the microwave for a few minutes , some also blame meats pumped with hormones as the same with milk also what the livestock is fed too, also todays societies drinking water especially big cities that have treatment plants that take your grey water and make it drinkable again, as reusing plastic water bottles which has been proven to cause cancer. So I wanted to hear other peoples opinions on this matter.

Lilbear's picture

I personally believe it's the preservatives and the first vaccine they give your child. I have two family members that are doctors.

What's intersting is they both studied in the USA and also in Forign country's to get their medical degree. They always tell our family to avoid all vaccines. Especially the children tell the doctors they are allergic to eggs that makes them back off. (A majority of vaccine are incubated in eggs according to my cuz)

The Impastable's picture

Interesting points. I've read tons of studies showing the opposite is true over my courses in university, but I would love to see some studies (from respectable journals) arguing for this viewpoint.

tonytulo's picture

I personally believe that todays foods and how they are prepared and stored have a lot to do with it. I have read a few studies that go both ways but I try to keep an open mind. If one was to compare now to lets say 150 years ago , cancer deaths have risen , disabilities and birth defects of all types have risen , heart attacks , you name it, lots of changes from than to now have taken place. The question is what is the cause or causes? A lot also has to do with todays lifestyle people today do more sitting than anything, the human body was not meant to just hang out and eat whatever.

The Impastable's picture

Very true, and a lot has to do with how today's food is prepared and largely consumed (at least in modernized nations). I hve read several studies on obesity in modernized economies and economies that are post-modern/information and service economies and how the lack of physical activities required along with the consumption of high fatty, high carb foods (ironically it is mostly a matter of "ease of consumption, although I shouldn't be surprised realy... That are the leading factors. This in turn increases heart problems, diabetes, etc.