UgtaBkdNme's picture
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Several of us have spouses on here, myself included. So I wanted a place to speak freely without prying eyes. Be it our spouse or just a nose dude lol. Not all women's issue need a male audience Smile

MsNoWeakAces's picture

Im kinda excited to see my jelly bean!! lol and how much facial hair are we talking about? been on winny for a week now and no side effects. was sick with strep last week so not sure if extra sweating is me getting well or the new supplemt

Anonymous's picture

I had some chin hair (sporadic ones) and facial hair growing, around my jaw line and cheek. It was never thick, guy-like growth. I'm blond so it was never noticeable to others but it drove me crazy because I could feel the stubble. I was shaving my face every morning.

UgtaBkdNme's picture

I've never ran winny, but on low a low test prop dose I have had no facial hair. Extra sweat and my sweat actually smells now, before I never noticed it.

Anonymous's picture

Yeah, it's not particularly fun to talk about clits, facial hair growth or cracking voices with guys who automatically assume that you are looking like WWE wrestler Chyna. These things can happen and you can still look like a chick, albeit a jacked one Smile

UgtaBkdNme's picture

Exactly. They hear enlarged clit and think "mini penis" when in fact it's like a jelly bean lol Frankly I hope mine never shrinks.