UgtaBkdNme's picture
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In my defense

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I did not partake in any illegal promo. That thread is making me insane but I'm not going to make a fuss over it. The SRC PMed me and asked me where I was located. I replied USA. That was it, there was no talk of gear. I am still hopeful that when the dust settles the MODS will take my name off that list but it seems unlikely so I figured this was a safe place to tell the ladies without stirring the pot with a public thread.

I enjoy eroids, and I don't want anyone thinking I'm doing shady selfish shit.

MsNoWeakAces's picture

I know noting of what you speak. I had been off the wall for a few weeks-

kodiakGRRL's picture

Let's suffice it to say that I don't look at posts and make judgements about any of it. period. I m not a mod anymore. I m not privy to information and I d like it to stay that way. I dont have time for gossip. shit happens... today is a new day .