big_man0883's picture
  • 102

+ 4 Somastim 2iu/day


Dropped down to 2iu per day due to the fact I can’t work out and no gyms are open. Baseline was 144. Not bad for 2iu/day!

Ordered from: 
Hamm's's picture

Good consistent product!!

big_man0883's picture

For many years!

Big Tone36's picture

Good shit, i liked the somas last time i ran GH

RSN34's picture

Very nice number. The gear here is always top notch

7thlttd's picture

Very nice, thanks for testing man been contemplating on pulling the trigger for somastim.. Seems like it's always spot on

big_man0883's picture

Been using Somas for many years. Switched over from Serostim and have gotten the same numbers and never have been disappointed.

7thlttd's picture

Very nice... I'll be swapping over from seros to so this is great to hear... Thanks bro

big_man0883's picture

You’ll be completely 100% satisfied with the Somas. No difference in numbers between the 2.

simonmagus84's picture

How long do you typically run GH ?

big_man0883's picture

Usually January Thru September./October.