1174's picture
  • 193

+ 8 No Karma Igf base


Blood drawn Monday am, first pin of Osgear promo blue-tops 2.5ius Monday pm. Will pull Igf bloods in 3-4 weeks, and post results.

Ordered from: 
1174's picture

Due to decaying domestic relationship, I am forced to pull the blood work tomorrow, which is only 12 days since first pin of 2.5ius, I have read so much conflicting info on long it takes for igf to elevate and stabilize at an elevated rate. I have read any where from 3-4 days to 3-4 weeks. I wanted to wait until the middle of the 3rd week but that just isn't possible. I ordered the unisex body builder hormone test, because it has lipids, igf, free and total test, and cbc, the only down side is it takes 7-10 business days for results to come back. So as soon as I get them in, they will be posted.

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HailRazor's picture

Looks like 12 days was plenty time Smile


Nice results

Geo's picture

Well, you're getting karma anyway..lol
Thank you for posting, looking forward to see your results.

1174's picture

You are too kind Geo, saw your review on the healing properties of the peptides and I am currently researching those compounds for very similar reasons thanks for that feed back.

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herpjunkie111's picture

Very cool, following this closely, probably as excited as you are for the next bloods, lol. No homo.