Bobwar's picture
  • 0

+ 32 Here I'm!!


Hey, guys, finally, here it's the end of my cycle with Test P, Prima, Tren and Bold. Happy to share my pic with you!!!

Ordered from: 
Engineereddisaster's picture

So from the Ban below the name I'm assuming that Bobwar is not the pro that he stole the pics from? Lol

Pale's picture

Ok, bro unfortunately since you have posted it pics that are easily traceable to a pro in order to protect that persons stature we need you to prove who you are. Take a pic holding a sign with todays date and hello eroids.

Engineereddisaster's picture

So um the pics that you are posting are of a bodybuilder of whome
I will not name here on the forum, and are easily accessible to anyone. Can you post a pic with you holding a sheet of paper that says your eroids username?
It's not really common for members to post published internet pics. Hence the pics are pretty hard to believe.
I'm not calling bullshit, I'm just saying that it would be a little more believable if I couldn't find the exact same pics on the internet that were of this specific bodybuilder.
Tattoos are a bitch.
All my love, no homo

Kravitz's picture

Uhh,can't believ my eyes!! Man, are you real?lol

Madjackson's picture


Dope's picture

Excellent quality !! Jacked and shredded with mondter legs and great lines !!

This is bodybuilder

Respect from me my brother



In a promo × 2
desertmuscle's picture

Looking Amazing!

growthman's picture

Nice work +1
Confirming 176sm (cm?)=5'7"?

goinpro2012's picture

Super hero shit right there! Put a cape on homie..

OldSchoolGuy's picture


CrazyHamster's picture

Killing machine!!! Good job brother! +1

JustDo1t's picture

Wow. you look amazing!!

MarkKnight's picture; fantastic+

Pale's picture


simonmagus84's picture

Quads are insane

12stone's picture

Amazing physique! Lean and dense, great job Bobwar!

In a promo × 1
Jameshobbis's picture

Looking strong and vascular! Amazing physique brother! Keep up the great work! +1

In a promo × 2
Destiny's picture

unimaginable form, bro!!

stairmaster's picture

These quads...huge brother!

DeadlyCrooc's picture

Great job dude! +

bigrick2017's picture

You can tell that you put in that work awesome job