str8tshot's picture
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+ 6 TopTrope Results


Have been using Angtropin for ~4 months (which tested good), then switched to Toptrope about a month ago. I've been pinning 3 IU first thing in the morning, tested 3 hours later. I didn't have as many sides with toptrope (hands and feet didn't ache) so I wanted to confirm with some labs. On test day I pinned all 8 IU. These results speak for themselves, toptrope is legit.

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str8tshot's picture

My mistake guys - I just assumed it was 10 iu.

Goose24's picture

What was your baseline?
How long before bloods was pulled did you take the 10iu shot?

It looks like there's GH in there but I would have figured higher numbers for 10iu. But that's one of the reasons for the questions. Thanks Smile

Also... What was your last name here anyways? Because no one makes an account and learns how to post labs all in a day lol. Not to mention this is the only post you've ever made.

str8tshot's picture

3 hours - pin to test

str8tshot's picture

Sorry Goose, no baseline. I know every one wants to be all scientific and all, but I didn't get a baseline.

I made the account specifically to post a review and lab results. I mentioned to Kig how good the results have been and he asked me to share with the group.

He's been good to me, so I'm certainly willing to help get the good word out for him.

TrenAllDay's picture

how do you figure a higher number for 10iu? on the gh serum?

Goose24's picture

I'm saying he needs to answer the questions I asked. Because if he started out with a 100 for a base line then yes it's good numbers but if he has a naturally high igf level then that's a bad number

TrenAllDay's picture

i understand your baseline question.

i dont understand why you think serum should be higher at 10iu? considering us pharma hits about 25-30 for 10iu...

oh and he apparently had the 8iu vial, so thats 25 serum on 8iu which is a great number

Goose24's picture

Where did I say serum should be higher at 10iu?

I said it's obvious theres GH in there..

Well I'm going off what the OP said he said 10iu maybe he mixed 2 bottles pulled 8iu out of one bottle and 2 out of the other?

str8tshot's picture

It was the whole vial, however many IUs are in there, I didn't do anything wild to get 10 IU. I was mistaken on the IU contents. When I mix, I reconstitute, I use 10 units and just think about it that way.

TrenAllDay's picture

your first post, idk how to do that copy shit

"it looks like there's GH in there but I would have figured higher numbers for 10iu."

pretty sure that looks like you would expect a higher number for 10iu. am i interpreting that totally wrong?

Goose24's picture

Lol yea bud I think your missing what I was asking. But to be fair I guess I could have been a little more precise and clear.

His igf baseline is what I was asking him for. Like I said if he has a higher natural base igf level these igf numbers aren't all that great. If he has say 100 igf natural level these numbers are good.

The serum test only verifies that there's actual GH in the vial. ive seen serum numbers of 25 with 125 igf levels. It has to do with the (bioactivity) (I believe I'm using this word correctly) could be wrong though lol of the hgh.

So in a nutshell I was referring to igf level.

TrenAllDay's picture

gotcha, that 1 sentence just threw everything off.

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