Cdomination1's picture
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+ 3 Gear univ lab tests using quest diagnostics


Had a 140 something estro reading last month and it was recomended by a user that since I was on tren the labcorp methodology for testing estro can cause false values. I have done nothing different since last month in reguards to the AI dosage and frequency.

Based on the following:
700mg test e weekly
500mg tren e weekly
600mg mast e weekly
50mg winny ed
.5 Adex eod
1mg caber weekly

added in winny 3 weeks ago and tuduca 2 days before bloods were pulled i.e. high liver values. Cheers.

Ordered from: 
DfromPhilly's picture

Holy shit. I metabolize test pretty high too and the highest I've had was 6500 on 75mg ed of prop. That's fuckin nuts. +1 for testing.

Ive only ever run Prop and I just ordered some test e from BB. Excited to see where I clock in whenever I end up running it.

PPGfreak's picture

Daaaaamn lol +1

Breaking-bad's picture

Jesus that test level lol. Wonder what it had read of it wasn't tapped. I've had mine read over 10k once back when I was strength training but I was given the full number. Think I hit 13583??? Give or take

Cdomination1's picture

Thanks for the comp prep! Let you know what I place.

bigjman92's picture

Over 10000 ng/dL from taking 675 mg of test e weekly?!

Cdomination1's picture

Sorry that was misleading.. I meant to say nothing was changed from an AI perspective. I will edit

Based on the following:
700 mg test e weekly
500 mg tren e weekly
600 mg mast e weekly
50mg winny
.5 Adex eod
1mg caber weekly