Johnglover969's picture
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+ 3 Putting some size on this winter


Whats the best course to run to put on some more size

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Daneash's picture

whats your cardio routine?

DeadlyCrooc's picture

eat+test i think .....lmao

youngmula808's picture


ironcarpenter52's picture


johnmarshall12's picture

Looks to me like you're an Ectomorph which means hardgainer. Try good bulking AAS if ur on it DBOL; Sustanon; Avoid Anadrol it';s water weight. Eat high calories high protein and use a good weight gainer like Cytogain!

theholymoley's picture

I may get in trouble for saying this, but if you need help with ur appetite, a little Cheech and Chong works wonders for me. Just sayin. +1 for the pic though. Lookin shredded

sic26's picture

sounds annoying to say over again. you have to eat a lot of food. I'm saying it because through my experience running gear n training more n longer did nothing until I started eating more

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sic26's picture

yes ghrp6 is great. I know its not a miracle lol. I know helps you finish your plate of food you made for that specific time frame especially when your trying to bulk. I also found out the hard way some times you do have to check those veggies cuz that what' makes the shit slide lol might be backed up another reason can't down that meal lol guess I should not have shared that but its true took a great shit and I was like damn there is more room left lol

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chunkypbnj's picture

Ghrp2 sent my appetite into superoverdrive,.

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sic26's picture

did it. I never used the 2. I just know what I read about it. and others reviews on ghrp2. I thought hunger side effects was with that peptide. I'm curious to try it now to see for myself

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