Ibra's picture
  • 4

+ 5 10 weeks on...At the moment taking 60mg/Dbol, 900mg/w test e, 400mg/w bold.


6 weeks to go, adding trend ace and anavar.
Increasing cardio and cutting down carbs.

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stardog's picture

A bit heavy. Take your time, sculpt like an artist. I'm old school and think AAS are for competitors of some sport. But, remember people are so scared of tren but don't give the warnings for ancillary drugs. Accutane is more dangerous than tren. Femora, arimadex, other anti aromatase drugs are powerful and there is a whole cascade of hormones affected. Dopamine agonies given to Parkinson and different palsy. Pct drugs, clomid, hcg, cytadren, PGEs.... Read. Time is the most important factor. Do what you feel is right after taking everything with a grain of salt. I hate to say it the body doesn't know how much experience you have or any crap you hear. It's just PC to say these things. Be careful tread slowly. The best is If you can find an endocrinologist to look at lab work. Everything is cumulative, when we look at a CMP or any test, it's not just if such and such is high or low its combos of what is high or low. Gets complicated. ALT can be 2 to 3 times AST

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Ibra's picture

Guys taking your advice and going for PCT.
Getting Hcg and Clomid.
Will start my pct 3 weeks after my last jab of test e
Will start with Hcg 1500iu every 3th day 3 shots in total, then Clomid 200mg on first day to load up next 6 days 100mg/day and 2 weeks 50mg/day.
Will do my bloods now to see my estrogen and prolactin levels and will adjust aromatizing inhibitors accordingly.
So will do normal blood test and hormone as well.
Have done my bloods before I started my cycle , so I have a guideline where I need to return my hormon levels to.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, appreciated for your advice.

I'm still learning

cd1's picture

Plus 2
Keep that mind set and the gains will come in good time

Ibra's picture

I will, thanks bro.

kibby's picture

Add nolvadex to stop any estrogen rebound mate better safe than sorry..
Glad to see you taking the advice given mate


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Ibra's picture

Thanks mate.

cd1's picture

You may be reading these comments and be thinking ...fuck me these guys are ripping me a new asshole !

Yea in away we are but it's in such away that we are looking out for your health so pls do try and take the advice in a positive way...

Rule of thumb is that Tren should really only be used as a comp prep compound / when other compounds haven't worked as expected and you've exhausted everyother avenue or when your a hardened user of compounds and for example...a good 8 plus cycles in and giving your age you really should be nowhere near 8 cycles

Yea you've run tren before and more than likely going to do it again but if I don't speak up then I wouldn't be doing you justice, have a think my friend as to wether or not your results can be achieved by not running such high amounts of anabolics and also be not adding tren into your cycles.

Run a PCT ...have bloods done while holding out hope that almost 2g of anabolics per week at such a young age hasn't completely fucked you up and giving the results ....then have a think as to how we can help you achieve your goals in a safe manor
We all want to look like Ronnie Coleman but that's no good if we are going to be shitting out our livers in the meantime.

I apologise if my terminology is a bit offensive but sometimes there is no sugar coating this shit

dimi4p's picture

I think you need to do a blood work to see how your current hormone profile looks like.

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Goose24's picture

I'm more interested in what your legs look like...

cd1's picture

Trend Ace?

I'm guessing you mean Tren....have you run tren before ? Pls be honest as the answer that follows your reply good be your saving grace!

true grit's picture

Brother, you know that tren is the trend.

Ibra's picture

Yeah tren ace bro, fat fingers sorry.
Have tried tren e on my las cycle , but I prefer faster ester tren.

kibby's picture

Why are you doing a bulk cycle then trying to cut in the same cycle????

Do your bulk.
Pct keep training your nuts off.
Then next cycle do a cut

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Ibra's picture

Just want to get more definition, want to see my abs for first time lol.
At the moment I'm 183cm/6ft and 100kg about 15-18%bf.

kibby's picture

You will achieve that with a good diet mate. Concentrate on building as much muscle as possible on your bulk then adjust calories ect... as needed to trim the fat.
There is A LOT of guys on here who can help you with that mate no need to throw in extra drugs

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Ibra's picture

That's why I'm here guys, to take advice on board...

kibby's picture

OK cool mate ;)

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cd1's picture

Hell yea

kibby's picture


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brujah123's picture

So, you're currently on (approximately) 1.720 milligrams of anabolic-androgenic steroids per week? What exactly are your current stats?

Ibra's picture


brujah123's picture

Please don't take this as an insult as I'm quite worried about your physical health, but do you really think that these amounts are necessary with your current stats? That's basically what I'm on at 111 kilograms / 170 centimeters / 11 - 12 % body fat. I certainly won't tell you what to do, but what exactly do you plan to do with your next cycle? Ramp the doses up even more?

Ibra's picture

For my next cycle planing to get , test, superdrol, deca along with gh.??
But this would be after pct and 2-3 months break.
Really appreciate for you advice, it's not an insult at all bro.

unreal89's picture

How long have u been on dbol

Ibra's picture

8 weeks now, started from week 3 .
Taking milk thistle all this time and my diet is pretty clean.

brujah123's picture

And you wish to continue with Oxandrolone (Anavar)? This'll put tremendous stress on your liver and Milk Thistle won't compensate that at all. I'd recommend you to use TUDCA, R-ALA and NAC as well (only TUDCA is proven to prevent liver cirrhosis).

Ibra's picture

Really appreciated for advice bro.

cd1's picture

I'd recommend a bloody good PCT and then a rethink of the whole cycle

As always you give these guys very informative info fella....let's hope he follows your advice

unreal89's picture

Deffinetly agree he needs to pct right now do you have a liver on ice ready?? SMH

aisgood's picture

Will try to get them on shelf(TUDCA)

kibby's picture

Look into choline and inositol mate.

Been using this since last November mate and seem to be doing the trick

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