JuiceforBreakfast's picture
  • 21

AB Test P and Tren A

chipotle's picture

Gotta love AB's packaging!

valliworks's picture

love that prop and the ten A. runnin it with his enanthate. Great gains right outa the gate with the prop. Best cycle to date, for me. Just seeing those labels gives me the chills.

JuiceforBreakfast's picture

I've noticed the same with other brands as well. After 2 weeks it seems that your muscles get used too it and the pain is hardly an issue. But man those first couple of pins are f'n crippling!

Jgb2417's picture

Hell yeah bro been waiting on him to restock his prop and soon as he does ppl fuck his email all up. Trying to sit back and hope he finds mine... So I have a little envy right now lmao. Enjoy and grow bro

renorob's picture

The packing was the best I've ever seen . This guy is a pro .

livingthedream's picture

good stuff there