JuiceforBreakfast's picture
  • 21

big d prop ace cut results


Weeks, 10
Compounds, tren ace, test prop
1-8 test prop 700Mg
1-8 tren ace 500Mg
9-10 test prop 700
Starting 190 13-14% bf

Ending 185 11% bf

Pct 4 Weeks Clomid nolva Aromisin

nitrogains's picture

Great work!

chefwaffles's picture

just out of curiosity did your strength go up or down some?

justaguy's picture

If you're pleased that is all that matters bro. You look good...

JuiceforBreakfast's picture

Thanks for all the positive feedback, means slot coming some of the vets.

jbreezy's picture

Very nice results. Looks like your hard work paid off.

JuiceforBreakfast's picture

Yeah I'm sure you did buddy.

dorgaard's picture

10 weeks is a bit short, but thats my opinion. but i´m with you, for the compounds he used the results could have been better.

wolfman's picture

His diet had to be very good to drop the bodyfat and retain his muscles ...not all cycles are for bulking. Give the Guy his props.

JuiceforBreakfast's picture

Look Bitch, it's real easy to be a keyboard warrior and pop off at the mouth hiding behind anonymity. Do us both a favor and stay off my threads, troll.

markymark's picture

thumbz up


Looking good bro... keep blasting.

ac89's picture

Good work bro

power_house's picture

good shit bro, keep up the good work