Ms.vegeta2632's picture
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+ 6 Update physique


Hello eroids!
As we all wait for the judging to be completed, I know that we are all anticipating who the winners are and it is very exciting! I really want you to thank all of the sponsors and the judges for putting so much work into this and making this such a great experience for us!
As for me, I am diligently working on my continued diet for another 8 weeks or so. I have more fat to lose until I feel like I am ready for a lean bulk. I hate feeling small and weak and through dieting, that is exactly what I am! Haha.
Here is a progress pic of me, I have lost more weight since the ebc pics, and lost a lot more water as well. My fluid balance got kind of messed up before.
I hope to see an ebc bulker soon, that's where I'll shine! I'll be adding in some orals soon and I'm really excited! Thank you for everyone's support and kind words!
Good luck to everyone , and it was a pleasure!

Ordered from: 
fusebox's picture

You got this girl. Keep grinding ++. Great work in the ebc as well if I haven't posted yet.

House's picture

Chizzled +1

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 3
Sam I Am's picture

Nice. You guys make a great team.

Owes a Review × 1
JewishPanda34's picture

Great quad separation. I'm actually jealous. Lol. Keep up the hard work and remember - it's a journey not a sprint. Nothing more fun than having fun in the gym.

Ms.vegeta2632's picture

Thank you! Yes for sure! The journey is the fun part!

helloBrooklyn's picture

You look fantastic! May I make one humble suggestion?

Ms.vegeta2632's picture

Thank you very much! Sure, what is your suggestion?

helloBrooklyn's picture

I am diligently working on my continued diet for another 8 weeks or so. I have more fat to lose until I feel like I am ready for a lean bulk.

This sounds exactly like the “I’m back in the saddle again” anxiousness I get when I reach my goal weight after dropping lbs. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounds like you have that same itch to start packing on muscle again once your cut is over, haha. But in my experience, once that goal body composition is reached, I’ve found that just maintaining and allowing the body to acclimate for a good 4 to 6 weeks or so does wonders for kind of “resetting” the basal metabolic rate and all that good stuff. Then it seems like once that brief grace period of easy maintenance is over, the body responds beautifully to the slow bulk strategy once it’s revved up again

If I read you wrong and that was more or less what you had in mind to begin with, then my bad

Ms.vegeta2632's picture

Awesome! Hey thank you for that! I appreciate you.

Ms.vegeta2632's picture

It sure was!
I'll pop in from time to time. Everyone in here has been so inspiring! Its amazing to see so many people's drive.

More by Ms.vegeta2632