posted Sun, 06/12/2022 - 16:15
+ 6 Touchdown!!
3 weeks. From placing order to delivery. Thanks pmroids!!
Ordered from:
- Bookmark
- 6
- 0
3 weeks. From placing order to delivery. Thanks pmroids!!
Nice order. A nice variety. Have you tried the primo yet? And pip?
AirborneGruntI have yet to try the primo as I will be starting my new cycle in July. I have never had any pip issues with Ultima which is a blessing for me
No pip is always a blessing
Wasn’t aware ultima had 200mg primo. Nice.
Yeah same, I wonder if there is any pip cuz all the other Ultima stuff I've tried has been pretty smooth and pip free.
Hopefully pip free. Everything else I have tried has been
I really like the intimate brand. It my absolute favorite. I’m about to stick up hard. Going to order GHRP 6 for
T hem too
Peptides have fallen out of favor, for good reason, things like follistatin and MGF turning out to be absolute wastes of money. But I still see application for a select few peptides including GHRP6, glad you feel the same
@AirborneGrunt everything from ultima I have tried has been on point, happy cycling!
RustyhookerParty on!