Trucks's picture
  • 7

Test/eq/deca bloodtest


500mg test
600mg EQ
300mg Deca
Was running 50mg DBOL
.25mg arimidex eod
Caber .5mg twice a week

Ordered from: 
Juicey239's picture

So you mention the sources you got the stuff from but you don't specifically mention which sources' test, eq, deca, etc. you're running? Smh bro.

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Muv's picture

That seems pretty low to me... I blood test >1500ng at 250mg test enan from a well known international source this past week, so 2000ng for 500mg test seems very low ... sorry bro

Trucks's picture

I agree. Will be ordering from different source in the future.

Randy.Savage's picture

How long ago were these bloods taken?

Trucks's picture

8 days. Last Saturday

RawGonza22's picture

Ran his Tren A and NPP 150, 12ml vials and had a great 7 week run with it. So I've never done any test but this is the 3rd time that I've seen this and I already convinced his gear is more than less better than what I've tried so far from past or previous sources. I run Test low anyhow. But thanks for posting this

Randy.Savage's picture

3rd time you’ve seen his test come back underdoesed?

Randy.Savage's picture

How long you been running this cycle when you had blood pulled?

Randy.Savage's picture

Nvm just saw your review and got time frame there

Mr.Raise's picture

Thanks for sharing bro

Taten's picture

2000ng/dl seems pretty low for 500mg, when did you pin last and draw? Is it pharmacom test?

Trucks's picture

No it's not pharmacom. Definitely underdosed though. I ran 500mg last year of another source and my free test was 3600ng

Weezel's picture

Hmm, now im curious. Was the test you were taking coming in 12ml vials? If so, then same experience I had. Under dosed.

Trucks's picture


Trucks's picture

Yea I been running n2guard but apparently thats not enough. Ordering some TUDCA since everyone seems to love that stuff. I'm also not running the oral anymore either.

madhat's picture

can i ask where you are getting your TUDCA

madhat's picture

i was reading about glutathione but all i seem to find is full of fillers