robb's picture
  • 601

+ 2 Test prop, tren base, drol and sust.


Got some in on 101's great 25% off and got in on bigbears free offer of zydex sustanon.

I actually got 2 vials for some reason, think it may of been because when I applied i didn't include my address so they asked for it but Id already realised my mistake and added it in a later pm, so think their may of been some confusion and I ended getting it in 2 separate packs. Who knows, I'm not complaining. The person who was the hundred and first might be tho cos I got their's lol.
Either way, very happy with my products ordered!!

Ordered from: 
Colossus_fit's picture

good luck Robb! enjoy them,

never used zydex oils, very interesting!


robb's picture

It's decent gear to, the zydex I'm talking about here. The sustanon seems to be accurately dosed and it's the only test I'm using. The others are spot on, not used the prop but have no worries their.

Theophany's picture

Very nice brother Robb! I like the Pharma packaging and presentation! Enjoy for you're a great guy! +2 for sharing!

robb's picture

Thanks Theo, always appreciate your input.

robb's picture

I only have 0.5 ml shots. Handled the extreme pre workout well so shouldn't have any problems with this. A bit of agitation at worst.