Rustyhooker's picture
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+ 4 Teamroid promo plus % off sale


Teamroids promo plus discount % off....couldnt pass it up! Decan 300 on promo and Trenbo E/orals i bought on the discount sale.

Cant pass off on a great sale. Ive use para many times and teamroids when they first appeared. Fun times! Cycle starts October

Ordered from: 
teamroids's picture

thank you Rusty!

Sam I Am's picture

I love para +

Owes a Review × 1
Serrajitsu0876's picture

Tren lookin nice. Para always putting out the good stuff.

press1's picture

Now those are some Crystal clear pictures! +

In a promo × 1
press1's picture

Yeh its good Anadrol that - I've used it before. The tabs are very small so they must be pure hormone and no fillers Smile

In a promo × 1