Jrblh2's picture
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steroidify hooked up the pharmacom 300mg test & 25 mg dbol quick !

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press1's picture

Mate I used to munch down many of the Pcom Dbol tabs but it was the Pink 10mg ones they use to do, I saw they are now doing 25mg ones. Wish you would have got some of the BOL 100 in the Vials to see how they are Lol

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Jrblh2's picture

Ya 100mg pharmacom pre workout injectable dbol bout 60 minutes before you walk in on a leg day or arm day for that matter

JakeKO's picture

Great source!

Jrblh2's picture

I’ve used this company quite a few times. They’ve been around since I can remember at least since 2017 when I joined eroids

Christophany's picture


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Jrblh2's picture

I’ve used there 10mg dbol in the past and were pretty good I’m looking forward to these 25 mg tabs to incorporate into the cycle I’m setting up for soon