Ready4Fire's picture
  • 5

+ 1 Somatropin by Hilma Biocare


Alright so this is my first time on and first time using hgh...i am 4 days into my hgh cycle (3 i.u every day)...idk but im kind if skeptical about this brand. I messaged the hilmabio care website and askedd for them to verify the authenticity of this hgh. They said the regional dealer was gonna email me, he did and told me it was legit idk if its because i have only been using this for 4 days so far but i really dont feel anything at all..i got my baseline blood tested now my questions are...1) how long do i have to wait from the moment i start hgh up until i test my igf levels?
2. Does anyone know anything about this brand of hgh at all?
3. If this is legit, How long until i feel the tingly sensation and all that other legit shit?
4. This is my first post so im not sure if im putting this in the correct category but if im wrong in doing so please correct me
-namaste to all ✌️

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lundgren's picture

Hello, how much do you used per day ? You know tout baseline of igf1 and do you have check your level of igf1 after some weeks of use ?

haapinessgains's picture

Wanted to revive this thread. Can't seem to find any labs on this hilma HGH. Anyone have any word on this stuff?..

Ready4Fire's picture

It is what it is at this point , i guess bloods is the only way right now to verify its authenticity..will be posting results soon

lethaltradeindustries's picture
You should have researched the answers to your questions BEFORE you decided to even pick it up
Bearded_muscle's picture

namaste brother, love me some yoga.
As to your questions:
Igf1 is ready to test within five days, if you’d like you can go a couple more but five has been shown to be plenty.
With gh you shouldn’t feel much at all. It’s not like tren Ace where if you lose your shit in traffic the day after your first pin you know it’s good. It’s very slow and almost unnoticeable until you’re six months in and you look at a before picture. Good growth shouldn’t cause sides.

1174's picture

tren Ace where if you lose your shit in traffic the day after your first pin you know it’s good.
Thats fucking hilarious! That tren road rage ain't no joke.

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